Chapter Twenty Six

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Niklaus Martinez's POV

Never did I think getting one little girl to marry me would be such a tumultuous task, Mia King was working on my last nerve .I would do anything to put a bullet between her eyes and still secure the deal ,but my father was adamant that I marry her and my father's word never falters once he says something it has to be done by even if I have to drag Mia King by her luscious red hair down the aisle she'll marry me.

I was deep in my thoughts when a knock on my office door drew me out.

"Come in" I sounded in a gruff tone and entered Romeo who has been gone for the past two weeks.

"Romeo ,I see you're back from the dead" I smirked knowing exactly what he had been upto while being gone.

"Save it Nik, I heard Mia is back, how did you achieve that?" He questioned, taking a seat and placing his feet on my desk.

"I did nothing ,she came on her own" I shrugged swatting his feet off my desk.

"Now I know that's a lie Nik cut the bullshit" He spoke not buying what i said.

"Well my all curious brother since you're all intrigued ,you should know her mother is dead" I filled him in, to his utter shock.

"I know you're a sick son of a bitch ,but murdering Mia's Mother thats low" He reprimanded

"I didn't kill anyone, if anything her mother killed herself ,it was her plan to die ,I just pulled the trigger" I informed him.

"That doesn't make it any better Nik ,Mia will hate you for this" He spoke, shaking his head as if he was disgusted.

"I don't care if she hates me ,are you forgetting that this marriage is a business deal and before you go off on me like you're some saint ,just know I know what you've done in those two weeks Angelo della morte" I said calmly.

"So what if-" Romeo was cut off by the ringing of my office phone .

"Good Afternoon" I answered.

"Boss we need you at the King's Residence immediately" Diego rushed out.

"Diego don't tell me you've let her escape" I growled in anger.

"No sir ,it's much worse" He sounded.

Not needing to hear anything else, I rushed out my office to my car with Romeo trailing behind.

Arriving at the King's Residence to see multiple cars parked in the driveway. Entering the house ,I was greeted by a nervous Diego.

"Boss, we didn't even hit her that hard ,she just wouldn't comply" Diego rushed out .

"What!!!, where is she?" I yelled causing Diego to gulp.

"Upstairs Sir" He spoke.

I rushed upstairs to find Mia unconscious, connected to machines that you would normally find at a Hospital and being checked out by who I presume is a doctor as her father sat in a chair next to the bed.Noticing I had arrived he looked up to me and his face held a look of regret.

"Doctor, will she be okay" Her father questioned .

"I am sorry I can't say for sure right now, her vitals are critically low ,with the head injury there might be fluid in the brain but I can't say for sure till we're able to take her to the hospital for an MRI" The Doctor stated.

"Thank you Doctor" Her father said.

"I will have an ambulance pick her up tomorrow for the MRI,as you've asked for my discretion pertaining to your daughter's injury and your social but I do wish you'd let me take her to the hospital now where I'd be able to better care for her, in her state its risky leaving her at home" the doctor warned us.

"No but-" I cut off Mr.King.

"Doctor call the ambulance to take her to the hospital now" I spoke up shocking Mr.King

"Niklaus you have no say in this ,It is my daughter ,I will do as I please" Her father sounded.

"And do you forget she's my wife ,have you forgotten what's at stake if she dies" I refreshed his memory.

"Doctor Hale ,call the ambulance" Mr.King told the Doctor who nodded and left the room.

"Listen here King ,If your daughter dies ,I will have my deal ,I don't care if i have to rip the contract from your rotting corpse" I seethed.

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