Chapter Eighteen

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Sky and I were currently sitting on the couch watching The Originals waiting for our food to arrive and also Romeo.

"I swear to God I hate Camile,something about her and Klaus just never sits well with me" Sky groaned. She had been saying this for years each time we rewatched The Originals and she caught the slightest glimpse of Camile.

"Oh pleaseeeeeeeee you just madddddddd Klaus doesn't come out the damn TV and sweep you off your feet and take your ass away" I mused

"Don't even starttttttt may i remind you ,that you almost broke my TV when Elena and Damon kissed for the first time" She retorted.

"Bitchhhhh you don't understand my.........." I was about to finish when there was a knock on the door and Sky shot up and walked toward the door with her resting bitch face on but I could feel her excitement.

"Well you sure took your sweet time ,just walking across the damn lawn" Sky spoke, opening the door to let Romeo in.

"Is that how you greet all your guests Skylar?" Romeo laughed stepping inside.

"No it's just you get on my last nerve" She said

"Says the girl who agreed to go on a date with me and also I haven't done anything yet" Romeo replied.

"Yet so there is something that you're yet to do but haven't reached the point to do it" Sky answered.

"Good evening Mia" Romeo greeted me completely ignoring Sky's last comment causing Sky to roll her as she sat on the couch.

"Evening Romeo" I greeted back giving a little wave.

"So what are we doing tonight" He questioned looking at Sky and I.

"Two words The.Originals." Sky beamed.

"The what???" Romeo said confused.

"I cannot believe this!!!!!! ,I have never felt so-so-soo-soo" Sky exaggerated trying to find the perfect word.

"Outraged" I helped her

"Exactly Outraged!!!!!" Sky exclaimed walking toward Romeo and pointing toward him.

"Forgive me your Highness, I willing to find out what is the.........." He stated.

"ORIGINALSSSSSSSS!!!!" Sky exclaimed causing a seemingly frightened Romeo to look my was for help.

"Skylar ,my dear psychopath,maybe you should show Romeo what is The Originals and then assault him if he doesn't like it" I commented leaving Romeo wide-eyed.

"Okay fineeeeeeeee but...." Sky was about to continue when there was a knock on the door.

"FOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD" Sky and I said as we bolted towards the door forgetting we had a guest.

I pulled the door open to be greeted by the Pizza delivery guy.

"Good evening ,I have a delivery of three large pizzas for a Mia" He spoke in his deep voice.

"Here I am, the bill please" I responded.

"Uhhhhhhh that will be $15.25" The delivery guy said hand me the pizza and the bill.

"Here you go byeeeee" Sky replied handing the guy the money then slamming the door and walking back to the couch

"Are you two sure a Mental institution isn't missing two of its high risk patients" Romeo joked as we sat on the couch.

"Ohhhh remember when i said i can kill you ,imagine what i can do with my best friend around" Sky told Romeo, smiling ,before turning around and selecting and episode of The originals for us to watch.

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