Chapter Nineteen

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Niklaus Martinez' POV

I had sent Diego to the beach house last night hoping he would be able to make more progress than Romeo. Diego might be a cold heartless ,hot headed SOB but he always delivered.

I was now on my way to see what Romeo and Diego had got for me before I flew back to LA today.As I arrived I noticed the car from Mia driveway was gone and the curtains from the living room were open giving me a full view of their messy living room.

'Damn that those girls live like pigs ,she better get her act together' I thought, turning the door knob to enter the house.

"Romeoooo!!!!!" I shouted upon entering ,heading to the makeshift office Romeo had set up.

"Romeo,Diego!!!" I shouted again, still no answer.

"Ro-" I was about to shout again when a banged up Diego entered the room with a bullet wound in his shoulder.

"Good day Boss" he gritted out as he seemed to be in pain.

"What the fuck ,happened to you and where is Romeo" I questioned

"Boss this was all Romeo ,he's out of control ,wouldn't let me take over the mission ,he attacked me, in front of the girls ,Romeo should be punished he broke the chain of command Sir '' He spoke.

"What do you mean attacked you?" I snapped as I started to get pissed.

"Well boss ,i wa-" Diego was interrupted by a fuming banged up Romeo.

"Stop your fucking lies Diego, tell your dear 'Boss' how your attacked his future wife and bestfriend" Romeo fumed

"YOU WHAT!!!!" I bellowed rushing towards Diego.

"B-b-boss it was an accident" Diego stuttered, turning pale as I grabbed his collar.

"Ah ah ah Niklaus Brother ,you haven't heard the best part, the girls are now missing" Romeo said, almost amused.

"You had one fucking job Diego ONEEEE ,I told you to watch him ,keep him inline ,make sure this mission goes how i would want it too and NOW I HAVE TO WASTE OUR RESOURCES FINDING THAT LITTLE BITCH" I growled ,raising my hand and landing a solid punch on Diego's face.

"Go back to base Diego ,you're not to leave until I relieve you ,make no mistake I WILL be punishing you ,if you run that mother of yours will reach an early unrequited grave" I told him whilst fixing my suit. Diego simply nodded and left.

"What's your plan Romeo ,this is still your mission" I asked

"I have checked every where ,and the only thing that came through was a credit card purchase from a Adrian Williams for two economy class tickets to Russia that leaves at 5:15pm today, it was purchase at the San Francisco airport but i know for a fact Adrian Williams is still in Los Angeles so it had to be his daughter Skylar Williams" Romeo stated.

"But Russia, what could they be going to Russia for?" I questioned.

"I don't know,Skylar never mentioned anything about Russia" He shrugged

"Maybe those little bitches thought they could lose us that easy," I laughed

"Maybe ,but well catch them before they even set foot on that plane" Romeo retorted

"Come on let's get going" nick said

Minutes after leaving.........

"How did we not check for traffic this was such a stupid move" Romeo groaned angrily.

"We're fucking stuck here while they are about to board a plane. This was supposed to be a simple pickup now we have to track them in Russia at least we'll have help from our associates over this it will just be a day late we get them back" I snapped.

"You do know this is all your fault right nick" Romero suddenly said, breaking a fifteen minutes silence.

"How??" I questioned honestly,waiting for Romeo to enlighten me on how this could possibly be my fault,when he screwed up the mission.

"You didn't fucking trust me Nik that's how" He answered through getting gritted

"We both know you were starting to like that girl" I spat

"And what if I am" he shrugged and I knew my brother had taken a liking to that stupid bitch, "Maybe you should get off your ass and start acting like you're a husband to be instead of sending people to be watching her you're being a real asshole Nik and we both know I wouldn't lie to you" He continued

"You're getting off the point this mission was easy and simple you went off track i expected better" I responded trying to get across my point to a whipped Romeo,

"So that's why you sent Diego" He quipped

"I sent him because he listens unlike you" I stated much to Romeo's distaste.

"I'm the only friend you've got and you need to stop trying to have me controlled like your followers i'm not here because I made some dead end deal with you , I was born into this and I'll put you in your fucking place" He countered.

"Mhm" I nodded not wanting to hear his bullshit.

"You know what ,the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, you really are Malachi's son" He declared slowly.

"IM NOTHING LIKE HIM" I bellowed furiously

"Really ,you have a soon to be injured wife on the run ,that says otherwise,you rule this business with pure ruthlessness not caring who you kill and snatch their life away men,women,kids and elders once their in your way they'll be 'fixed'" He spoke making me want to kill him.

"This business needs to be run the right way , so I do and will continue to do everything to ensure longevity and continuous success" I said truthfully.

"Yeah,I recall another person saying the same thing to me before they shipped me off to Sicily" Romeo recalled ,a memory he and I both weren't too fond of.

"Let's just focus on the task at hand, this arguing does nothing" I conceded.

"Yes ,why Russia there has to be a connection ,we know Mia doesn't have any Russian connection, maybe it's Skylar " Romero conveyed his thoughts to me while picking up the laptop from the back seat.

"It has to be the other one,there is no way our deal would have gone through if the King's had Russian connection" I agreed

"Skylar" Romeo reminded me but I couldn't care less.

"Skylar" I nodded .

"Well it says here she's spent the last five summers in Russia with Vlad Lebedev" he read "Why does that name sound so familiar" He says looking at me.

"Vlad Lebedev ,is it the same Lebedev that we cut the Russia trade deal with" I wondered out loud as Romeo typed furiously on the laptop keyboard.

"Vlad Lebedev is the second in command of the Russian Mafia ,he has no children but he has one niece Skylar Williams ,the daughter of his youngest sister" Romeo read out ,turning the laptop to show me a picture of Lebedev and a petite brown eyed brunette who I presumed is Skylar.

"Fuck." I spat. 

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