Chapter Twelve

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Mia King's POV

I sat on the L-shaped couch in the living room for hour pissed at myself for letting Sky leave the house by herself ,she's a very alert and conscious person but when emotional she can be really reckless ,I've seen her spiral out of control before and it isn't pretty she puts people in the hospital and endangers herself. I tried calling to only realize she left her phone at home ,I don't know where she went ,i tried getting the police to find her but it had only been ten hours since she left .So there is one thing to do sit and wait ,i can call her mom but she would freak out and would make Sky get on the next flight home to see her therapist and i know how much Sky hates therapy. I was beginning to grow really tired as it was almost 4AM .



Hearing the knocks at the door wondering who it was ,because Sky left the house with her keys ,please don't let it be the police or worse Niklaus but if the police were here because something happened to Sky that would be the absolute worst. All the thoughts made me increase my pace to the door tenfold and open the locks at breakneck speed, not caring to look through the peephole .As I snapped the door open I came face to face with an oddly familiar man with a passed out Sky in his arms.

"Oh MY GOD what happened to her ,do I need to call an ambulance?" I cried to the strange man.

"God no,she's just a bit wasted ,I didn't mean to startle you,where can I put her?" he replied calmly as I stepped aside to let him in. Then I closed the door and led him upstairs to Sky's room.

After putting Sky in bed ,he stepped outside so I could change her and when i was finished he was still standing outside Sky's door.

"Can I get you anything umm....." I inquired not knowing his name.

"My name is Romeo and I live right next door" He blurted

"Oh Romeo ,I cant thank you enough for getting her home safe ,there not many good Samaritans like you left" I gushed relieved

"It was nothing,she was great company, I really should get going ,if you need anything I'm right next door ,bye....." He left off not knowing my name

"Mia ,bye Romeo" I said

"Bye Mia" He replied leaving the house. After he left I double checked and locked all the windows and doors in the house by the time I got to bed the sun had started to raise.

I was awakened by the sound of glass shattering and the sound of Sky's voice shouting ,I immediately shot out of bed not even catching my senses as I ran into the kitchen where I saw Sky standing with her hands all bloody and shattered glass all around her. She was so caught up in the blood that she didn't even realize I was there.

"Sky what happened ?"I asked her in my groggy morning voice ,she looked at me shaken up.

"Well uh,umm i was trying to get a glass of water from the cabinet ,when they fell and i was trying to pick up the piece but i got cut" She muttered lowly

I didn't answer ,I just walked over to her and pulled her carefully to the sink and let water run on her hand and she just stood there looking lost in her thoughts. When I finished I rummaged through the whole house for bandages ,whilst Sky stood at the sink applying pressure to the cut that were really deep ,I would take her to the hospital but she would freak out and I don't know where her head is at right now. I was left with no option either to drive all the way to the pharmacy or ask the neighbor so I did.

I was about to knock on Romeo's door when his door opened . 'Does he have cameras or something ,sky and I should install cameras' I thought.

"Good morning Mia can I help you" He chirped.

His Fall From GraceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang