Chapter Twenty Three

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Skylar Williams' POV

'Stupid' jab

'Clown' jab

'Fool' jab

'Idiot' jab

"You could've died!!!" I shouted as I kicked the punching bag. The voices in my head were raging at flashbacks at what happened with Romeo ,they're berating me of how much of a fool I've been and then now half empty bottle of vodka isn't only aiding in increasing my rage tenfold ,I was nowhere near drunk enough to just forget everything.

"Oh to think ,i was falling for him stupid,stupid,stupid"I laughed ,taking a seat next to my dear friend Vodka.

"Maybe I should go back to the United States and kill him ,he deserves it ,don't u think Vod" I spoke to the bottle of Vodka whilst taking a shot.

"That steroid hulk fucker definitely deserves to die ,I'll make sure of it"I mumbled to myself as I was plagued with the memory of that night which caused me to squeeze the vodka bottle.

"FUCK YOU ROMEO" I shouted to the empty gym not caring who heard "I SWEAR ON EVERYTHING I'LL KILL YOU"I continued.

"I fucking promise ROMEO, AHHHHH" I screams launching the glass bottle onto a nearby wall.

"Fuck now I gotta get a next bottle,stupid,stupid" I pouted leaving the gym to go get a another bottle of Vodka not caring to pick up the broken glass.

"Maybe I should collect two bottles this time."I said, opening the liquor cabinet ,not able to walk back to the gym. I sat beside the liquor cabinet drinking bourbon because sadly there wasn't anymore Vodka, what a damn shame .

"Imagine being in Russian and their isn't enough vodka" I shouted "How dare they not keep enough vodkaaaaaaaa" i continued

"I did not know you preferred Vodka my dear ,matter of fact I did not know you drank alcohol Skylar" The deep voice of my uncle sounded as he entered the room.

"Well uncle ,I've grown you know" I said trying to mimic his deep tone in my drunk state whilst puffing my chest.

"Yes I've noticed dear, May I ask why you're here trying to drink yourself to death?"He questioned

"It's not to death just to the point where I can't remember my name" I answered nonchalantly

"My mistake dear but you need not worry you're safe with me Nicklaus attempting to come here is an alternate way of signing a death wish" He assured me but I just don't care about Niklaus it's Romeo that fucked up my mind.

"I know he can't come here uncle V but even with knowing that I can't control my mind enough so if you'll let me I'd like to keep trying to drink myself to a state of amnesia if only just for today" I told my uncle.

"At this rate you might meet death sooner Skylar"he spoke with concern in his voice

"Leave me alone it's my life ,MINE!!!"I shouted angrily feeling bad immediately after but I was just so messed up.

"So you're willing to gamble with this life and lose it, stop being selfish ,cause you're better than this" My uncle said as he left leaving me with the thought of if I'm really being selfish.

"Fuck this reality I'll make my own with the help of this bourbon" I thought

Mia King's POV

"Skylar I-" my words were cut short as I saw Skylar looking like a drunk man at a pub.

"Trying to drink yourself to another alternate reality again aren't you" I asked knowing full and well what she was doing

"Hiiia how did you know"Skylar all but struggled to say

"I'm your best friend I'm supposed to know" I told her

"OMG you're my best friend oh wait yes your are" Skylar said and erupted into a fit of laughter after.

"Ok come on let's get you cleaned up and then straight to bed" I said

"Noooo I don't wanna go why do you want to make me go" she whined

"If we don't go that alternate reality wouldn't be fun" I joked.

"Right ok lets go" skylar said trying to stand up

We made it back and I spent some time getting skylar ready for bed which is harder than it should be as we were sitting on the bed my phone rang causing me to to jump,I then looked over to see my father calling me.My curiosity got the better of me and so I answered

"Uh hello" I answered unsure.

"Mia please you you ne- please you need to come home" My dad begged in a distraught tone which worried me.

"Why , you know I don't want to be there, wait what's wrong why are you sounding scared" I rushed out.

"Cause he killed her Mia and if he doesn't get you soon he might kill me next" My father spoke before Sky grabbed the phone and accidentally cut the call

"Who's that you're talking to gimme the phone And stopping making your face like that"

"My pizza got canceled don't worry about it you need to sleep" I lied

"Mhm time to sleep" sky yawned.

After getting Skylar to sleep I went to the bathroom, locked the door and quietly called back to my dad.

"He-" my dad said before I cut him off.

"Who did he kill dad,who" I asked

"Your Mother" he spoke the dreaded words I never wanted to hear and my whole body went numb and weak,as the smartphone slipped from my ear and crashed to the floor.

I was in shock ,the world around me seemed to stop, I felt like sprinting but my feet were nailed to the floor,I wanted to scream but my lips were sealed, I wanted to hit the wall but my arms were broken. He couldn't,he can't, Oh God this is my fault. Horrible thoughts ate away at my now destroyed sanity. My body had just become a broken shell waiting on release.In my frozen state ,I realize I could have been a better daughter to her.

Suddenly my release came as the ultimate reality hit me like lightning bolt as I collapsed to the floor in a weak crying heap on the bathroom floor.Sob after sob racked through my shell of a body, I needed to go ,I had to see her body one last time and if I stay he'll keep killing until he gets to me in sure of it.

Knowing what I have to do I pushed my weakened body off the floor and left the bathroom making a beeline to uncle Vlad's office hoping he was still there working late.

I knocked on his door twice with crossed fingers when I heard a gruff 'come in'.

"Mia ,child what are you doing up at this hour" He questioned raising his head and taking off his reading glass.

"I need to go home"I spoke bluntly praying my voice wouldn't crack.

"Home ,I thought you were running from that place dear" He noted.

"Well I-um I-um , I -um just really n-n-n-need to go back ,I-i-i can't stay here anymore" I stuttered bowing my head as tears ran down my cheeks.

"Mia, is that all, you know you can tell me anything I'll understand" He started getting up from his desk and walking towards me.

"H-h-h-he k-k-k-killed m-m-m-my m-m-m-mother , a-a-and ,h-h-h-he'll k-k-kill m-m-my D-d-dad t-t-too if I dont go back"I stuttered looking down and i was shocked when a fatherly warmth surrounded me as i realized Sky's uncle was hugging me.

"My child, I know i can't stop you so i'll charter my private jet to take you home and I'll give you a satellite phone call me ,when you're ready to come back" Uncle Vlad told me

"Thank you " I said leaving ,knowing deep down this is the last time I'll ever see him or Skylar.

His Fall From GraceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon