Chapter Eleven

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Skylar Williams' (POV)

"I'm not in the mood Mia,I'm going out" I muttered grimly, picking up my jacket and keys and walking out.

'I can't believe she would think like that' I thought sadly as tears rolled down my cheek as I walked down the sidewalk not bothering to take my car ,knowing I was planning to get drunk and I couldn't call an Uber because in my haste I forgot my phone.

I had been walking down the sidewalk for about fifteen minutes,walking through the city neighbor ,people shot me curious glances, I even got a few cat calls ,some even saw me and held their bags/purses closer. I could imagine how creepy I looked dressed in my all over black walking about with my head down seemingly lost in my thoughts. 'Maybe I should have stayed home and raided our liquor cabinet ,I didn't think this through' I thought, shaking my head,slapping my hand on my forehead . 'I should go back ho....'



" WHAT THE FUCK MANNN" I shouted as my head snapped to the direction where the annoying honking was coming from ,when my eyes landed on a man who looked really familiar.

"Sorry ,i had been trying to get your attention for about seven minutes" the stranger said

"Do i know you ,why are you trying to get my attention?" I wanted this conversation to be over with.

"Well ummm,ahhh,well um ,I live next door and I was driving by when i saw you and i was wondering if you would like a lift" the stranger rushed out scratching his neck.

"Well thanks ,but i'm fine"I replied bluntly

"Ohhhh ,but it's really late and it's not safe in the city and..."he was about to continue when i cut him off.

"I suppose you think i'll be safer with you,huhhh ?" I said glaring

"Uhmmm kinda" He answered unsure

"How aren't you sure I won't kill you and dump your body in the ocean?" I asked, watching his now shocked and shook reaction and holding in a laugh behind my resting bitch face.

"I'm kidding ,I'm kidding ,I'll take you up on your offer just know ,I'm skilled with knives and if anything fishy goes down ,I'll stab you in your jugular" I told him pointedly and got in the car.

The man who was seemingly still shocked and hadn't driven off when I sat down and put on the seat belt .I snapped my fingers in his face which snapped him out of his reverie .

"Where to?" the man questioned.

"Hmmm take me to the nicest club around ,that won't have a ridiculously long line please" I answered.

"Yes ma'am ,by the way my name is Romeo" he smiled

"My name is Skylar" i said

"Hmmmm Skylar" he tested my name on his tongue.

On our way to the club ,I finally took a good look at Romeo and damn was he good looking ,from his chiseled jaw to his laid back look ,like he doesn't have a care in the world he seemed like a social butterfly. There was a time when i was a social butterfly , but that me was long gone people always wanted to befriend me to get to know my brother and even my dad sometimes .I didn't like being used as a pawn ,so i broke a couple bones and sent some people to the emergency room and they finally got the point i don't like being used.

"I hope you don't mind company,"Romeo said, breaking out my thoughts.

"Huh?" I raised my brow.

"I mean ,don't mind staying to give you a ride home plus ,I know the owner of the club" Romeo beamed.

"Okay ,but just know ,i could hold my liquor and if you try anything I WILL KILL YOU and i will get away with it" I said tight lipped

" I swear on my mom's life I'm not going to do anything," he urged, pulling into a parking spot close to the club .

When he was fully parked I got out of the car with him behind me ,heading to the entrance. I was in front of the club looking up at a blinding neon green sign that read 'Genesys'.There was a line too but it wasn't long. I had the patience to wait in the line maybe. I was about to join the line when Romeo gently pulled me by my elbow to the front of the line ,where the bouncer saw Romeo and nodded to him before moving the rope to let us in.

When we inside the club Romeo let go of me as I took time to admire the inside of the club.The inside of the club was spectacular and it left me utterly mesmerized ,which was saying something because i had been to a lot of clubs, it was the perfect mix of classy and raucousness.

"Damn" I admired out loud.

"I know, I'd like to think I should have majored in interior design instead of Business," he said, raising his voice above the noise.

"YOU DID THIS ,IT'S BRILLIANT" I shouted adoringly

"Ahhhh let's get you to the bar" he said leading the way to the bar

After shoving our way to the bar we finally got there.I sat down and picked up the menu and looked at the prices ,the drinks were expensive thank God i walked with my dad's black credit card my mom gave to me that i only used for emergencies,he might not spend time with me but he won't dare cancel this card because i never ask them for anything.In my dad's own workaholic type of way he wouldn't let his child be homeless or hungry cause he loves me ,well at least I hope .Enough of that time to consume ALCOHOLLLL.

"Skylar what would you like" Romeo asked

"Hmmmm five shots of apple flavored Ciroc with lemon and salt" I declared

"Whoaaaaa" he looked at me surprisingly then turning away shouting "Miguelllll!!!" and a bartender answered and Romeo proceeded to tell him the orders.

After a couple minutes Miguel the Bartender came and handed us a tray with the drinks ,I noticed Romeo had ordered a beer for himself. Romeo collected his beer as I prepared myself mentally to knock back the shots.

"Ok Sky ,don't be a little bitch ass girl" I scolded myself looking at the shots causing Romeo to chuckle .After a little pep talk ,I drank all the shots ,licked the salt and squeezed the lime on my tongue.

"Okay ,I'm ready to hit the dance floor wanna come" I inquired

"No ,I'll be here waiting though" Romeo shied .I just shrugged and headed to the dance floor.

I was at the center of the dancefloor when Rihanna 'Pon De Replay' came on and boyyyy all my dignity went out the window as i started dancing .I was moving my hips side to side ,up and down as I moved the ass that my latina momma gave me ,i even went down in a split and that is how I continued for some time me getting down and groovy ,when some came and held me from the back ,I was about to slap whoever it was to Jupiter when the person whispered in my ear ,it was Romeo.

"Ahhhhh i hope you could keep up, shy boy" I babbled loudly in Romeo's ear.

Romeo was about to answer when 'Bailando' by Enrique Iglesias came on and I started dancing on him and when I say this boy got moves I really mean it and that's how the night continued.

After hours and hours of dancing and so many drinks I had lost count ,I'm surprised I hadn't puked yet . My feet were now killing me and I don't even have heels on and I also really really need to pee.

"Romeoooooooo I need to peeeeeeeeee" I slurred in his ear ,he look at me wide eyed holding my arm taking me to the washroom. After emptying my impatient bladder and washing my hands ,I walked outside to see Romeo whose back was turned talking to a man who looked eerily familiar but it was too dark and I was too drunk to verify who it was.

"Romeooooo" I shouted feeling exhausted all of a sudden.

"Yeah,you ready to get home" he turned around asking

"Yes ,yes sir and homeeee remember i can kill you" I murmured swaying

"I know" He chuckled ,throwing a hand over my shoulder helping me walk out of the Club to his car. When i was seated in his car all my adrenaline wore off immediately and exhaustion stepped in full force and the last thing I remember was the car pulling off.

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