Chapter 7: Dark Secrets

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Three weeks had passed and a lot had happened, I decided to finally stop being a hard head and moved in with Edward. I wasn't going for work cause apparently Edward still thought I needed coverage. A few times I visited a shrink, it was enlightening and much needed. Eric was a well coordinated intellectual who had great experience in his field and talking to him offered a sense of relief.
Edward still hadn't updated me about what happened to Luka and it was beginning to exasperate me. He had already left for work and I was alone in his massive house with nothing left to do. When I got out of bed that morning, I found Edward had already left, I didn't like that he started leaving without notifying me my overactive head was starting to ponder the possibility of him not wanting me around. Damn it Selena you're a dramatic wench.

But if he didn't want me, why would he ask me to move in, my thoughts kept circling around my head. What if he was mad? I ran from him risked my life and gave Luka and advantage to kidnapping me, the thoughts just kept going. Damn!
I decided on making dinner early and asking him to come join me. Hoping he wasn't too busy, I just wanted us to talk and go back to normal even if everything was so twisted up. I missed being in his arms, being close to him and it seemed like he didn't, or maybe I wasn't reading things right.
Eric had advised me to try and live as normally as I could. I was endeavoring to do so; sure, I would have a few breakdowns but the healing process wasn't easy especially from what I experienced.

Before making dinner, I went upstairs to the library to at least bury my head in some fiction at least certain worlds there were perfect. It didn't take long and I was already engrossed in novel about some woman who lost her memory and thought she was a rich heiress; it was amazing what people came up with.

When I finally closed the romance novel, I was practically in tears it's so beautiful how certain things can just flow smoothly even if there was heartache it's awesome how particular people push through, maybe that's what I needed to learn to fight, to push through.
I stared out the balcony and noticed the lovely evening hue of the setting sun and quickly remembered that I had a dinner to prepare. I launched myself out of the seat and paced to the kitchen.
Edward once told me he loved beef wellington and passion fruit soufflé for desert and for the hors d' oeuvres I decided to prepare roasted parmesan garlic shrimp. I quickly sent him a text telling him to come early. Once that was done, I began to prepare the three-course meal, I forgot how much I loved cooking and for the first time in a long time I felt unfettered with what I was doing.
By the time I was done with everything I looked like half food half human, I hastily scurried up the stairs and went to shower.

The cascading hot water momentarily relaxed me. Once I was done, I dried my hair and did the best I could with it and tied it in a neat firm bun. Since I moved in Edward made it his mission the completely change my wardrobe down to my underwear. I walked to the closet and looked at the fortune of fabric that hanged there, I had no clue on what to wear.
Firstly, I started with the black shear lace lingerie piece set, then picked out a short halter neck silk dress that seemed to suit the mood. It was form fitting hugging my figure just right, it's amazing how he knows my size better than I do.
I went down stairs in medium silver stilettos, aptly setting the dining table and lighting up candles instead of lights. Everything looked perfect and I felt giddy like a teenage girl. I got my phone, a phone I was getting accustomed to and saw that Edward had seen my text, he was probably busy to reply I concluded and sat in the living area in wait for him. I turned on the TV to at least add some sound to the eerie quietness of the house.

I could feel my body being hoisted by strong arms, and an involuntary grunt existed my mouth. My eyes flattered open and looked up at Edward, he was carrying me but to where?
We entered his room and he set me on the bed finally noticing I was awake. I could feel a hard lump swell on my throat in realization that we didn't have dinner together. I sat up and he looked at me quizzically, shocked that I got up.
"Selena, I'm sorry I didn't make it" his blue eyes were gleaming with regret. But mine were already filled with tears.
"don't apologize Edward. It's been the same these past three weeks; you leave when you want you come back when you want to. It's like you don't consider how it affects me!" I yelled. He looked at me incredulously, like he was shocked I was pissed.
"of course, I consider it -
"No, you don't! You don't talk to me; you don't want to be around me it's like I'm a ghost to you. I just want - I trailed off failing to say the words. This recovery process was difficult, honestly, I just needed a reset button.

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