Chapter 2:Drunk In love

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Sunday evening the only day I had to get away from Edward’s constant pestering, I was staring at my laptop screen as the long unnecessary theme tune of Game of Thrones played. Enjoying my new sets of contacts, the smile on Henry’s face when I told him I was getting them.
Quickly rushing to the kitchen, I grabbed a bag of Doritos, got cozy as I intently stared at the screen in anticipation. This was the episode I was waiting for, the day of King Geoffrey’s death. Yes, yes that evil little shit was dying. I watched as his mother the queen cried while he laid on the ground.
She was just as cunning as the little beast she gave birth to, “the imp did it” I gaped in utter shock as she blamed her own brother. I munched on the Doritos some crumbs falling on my sleeping shirt.
I heard Chris browns voice fill my bedroom with the song bite my tongue, and I knew that it was my phone ringing. I could hear it but couldn’t see it, and as much as the noise disturbed me, I still wanted to go on watching.
I finally found it under one of my pillows, I glared at my screen as Edward’s name was displayed on it. What does he want now, it’s almost 9.30 pm it’s late? I considered the thought of not answering but then he would have given me hell on Monday, I decided to answer sleepily maybe he would feel pity. Oh, who am I kidding him feel pity, I laughed at my thought.
“hello” I answered low toned.
“sellenarrr” he slurred, what the hell, is he drunk shit maybe he dialed my number by accident. But then he wouldn’t have said your name my subconscious reasoned. Maybe he knows another Selena, knowing that I knew almost all his female friends’ names, I knew that he didn’t dial by mistake.
“Edward what’s wrong?” I asked biting my lip.
“I need… I. Wait what? Oh yeah come get me please” he spoke in his drunk voice.
“Where are you?” I asked as I started to feel agitated.
“Am at some fancy club” he chuckled.
This idiot, am going to slap him so hard he’ll become sober. I got to my feet, walked into the closet still hanging on to the call.
“hello” a different male voice spoke, almost husky. It sounded a bit more sober.
“Um hi, who’s this?” I asked.
“Am Damon, am one of Edward’s friends he kept on asking about you he said he only wants you to take him home”.
I rolled my eyes, why me why not Angela or Judith or Amy or Tamara whatever the others were called.
“Where are you guys?” I questioned, selecting my grey sweats and a black shirt. I considered the thought of wearing a brazier again, but thought they would be no need.
“Um I’ll text you the address” he answered and cleared his throat. I hang up the call, assuming that was the end of it. I changed quickly grabbing my car keys on the kitchen counter, while still struggling with one of my converses. When I was successful, I rushed out of the doors of my apartment, scurried to my Hyundai creta which I still thanked my father for each day.

A text bubble popped up on my phone screen showing some address, I think I knew the place those clubs for the elite in Seattle. I cruised fast on the road, giving myself a thought of how I would have been perfect to feature in fast and furious.
25 minutes later I stopped at the club parking opposite to it, was I even going to get in, I looked at the structure it looked so glamorous and congenial for Edward’s status. I grasped my phone calling Edward’s number.

“Yes, are you here” Mr. Husky voice asked.
“Um. Yep, can you please just bring him out?” I asked.
“Oh okay” the line went dead. I started tapping on the steering wheel, as I waited for my drunk boss to be brought to me.
So, this idiot gets drunk then, decides to ruin my night I sighed. I saw a tall lean guy, all dark and handsome even with the latent light you could see his amazing physiques. Next to him was the body I knew all too well, I stared at the two as Edward leaned against who I assumed was Damon all in a dazed state.
I climbed out of the car; I think Damon spotted me because he started heading my way.
“Selena, right?” he asked as he held the idiot by his side.
“Um yes, let me open the door so you can put him in”
“Please do, he’s heavy” he smirked showing off his pearly whites.
“Am sure” I said as I opened the rear door for him, he shuffled Edward into my car making him sleep on the seats.
I watched him in a desperate need to wrap it up and go home. He closed the door once the idiot was properly settled.
“Well, it was a pleasure meeting you Selena” he muttered dismissively.
“You too Damon” I spoke casually as I got back into the driver’s seat.
Picking up my fast and furious mode I was back driving into Bellevue, Edward’s house was such a sight, it was too large for him but he enjoyed the lavish life I figured. I pulled up outside knowing the security codes, the gate opened and slowly I drove into the front yard scenery that was absolutely breath taking.
There was a water fountain near the entrance with a sculpture of a naked woman as a center piece. The grounds were kept to there finest shape all the beautiful flora properly natured for.
I parked my car close to the entrance; oh, shit am going to have to carry him inside. The realization dawned on me I glared at the back seat, wanting to stab the idiot that lay on them.
I got out of the car, opened the rear door I stood there still burning with fury. Here I am trying to take care of a 28-year-old when I could be home watching John snow.
I climbed into the seat to try and shake him at least he was not fully comatose.
“seelena” he grumbled. A thought of just leaving him on the concrete ground and going home wickedly popped in my head, but I frowned at the fact that I couldn’t see it through.
I grabbed his broad shoulders and shook him, argh come on.
“what” he whined
“Edward get up, come on, help me help you” I said as he made an effort to rise, slowly he began to move.
I moved out of the car, as he stood on his feet and leaned against my body.
Damn he’s heavy.
I struggled with him as we got to the glass French doors. Having to position myself in a very awkward way I managed to enter the code, the doors swiveled open. I knew I wouldn’t have managed to carry him over the stairs but one thing I was thankful for his house was that it had a sizeable elevator that allowed better movement.
Saying a silent prayer, I walked further into the foyer being familiar with my surroundings I still got goosebumps each time I went there, his house is all ash grey, creams and blacks.
Exiting the elevator once we got to the second floor, I thanked the Lord again cause his room was just opposite the elevator. A reason for why it was like that barged into my mind but I let it slip.
I grabbed the door knob opening the door, I remember when I first encountered this room, I went off strolling around when he had sent me to drop off some documents, then decided to be a creep and sneak around.
His room was grey and white, a nice four poster bed, large screen TV on the wall opposite the bed, a balcony allowed the light from the moon to fill the room. I managed to drag him onto his bed, instantly he collapsed on the grey duvet. This bed was awfully large for one person, I thought, then remembered his nights weren’t mostly spent alone.
I knelt down to remove his shoes, he mumbled something that I couldn’t make out in his drunken state.
“aren’t you eager?” I finally heard him say.
“Eager for what” I asked as I managed to wrestle his shoe off then his sock, I turned my attention to the other shoe.
“To have me inside you” he almost laughed. Complete idiot, what? In fact, who the hell does he think I am.
“Edward this is Selena” I spoke, trying to remove whatever idea of who he thought I was in his head.
“Selena ahhh, you came to my rescue” I could hear him sit up, I rose once I was done with his shoes reaching for his shoulders, I grabbed his leather jacket and started dragging it off.
“Yes, I came” I responded trying my best not to slap the drunkenness out of him.
“My hero!” he shouted.
“Shhh, Edward it’s late” I whispered in alarm.
“It’s my house, my rules, my everything” he murmured. Seems like he’s coming back to normal my sub teased.
“Well, what do we have here?” he looked up at me, I was confused not knowing what he was talking about, I pulled his right arm out of the jacket sleeve.
“tap” he said as he’s finger tapped against my left nipple.
“Edward!” I yelled pushing him hard, but he didn’t even flinch.
“But it was teasing me” he pouted his lips.
“that’s no excuse!” I sheathed, am here trying to help your sorry drunk ass and yet you’re acting like the asshole you are.
“You know what I should just leave instead of trying to help you” I grunted.
“No!” he shouted grabbing my arms.
“don’t go, spend the night with me”
My eyes narrowed at his plea, is he that lonely much less desperate to keep me here. I stood there shocked and feeling violated.
“I mean, of course I won’t have sex with you, unless... just stay here with me” he whispered I could see the sadness in his eyes.
I had never seen him like that, it was so…. Weird.
“Edward I can’t” I said his deep blue eyes gleaming in the moonlight.
“Selena please. I beg of you; I hate being alone” he spoke softly him saying he hates being alone made me wonder if he was neglected as a child or had abandonment issues.
I knew that he had a stepmother and he never really spoke a lot about his biological mother, the mention of her makes him furious and it scares me.

“Plus, I’ll get to look at your nipples peaking at me” he smiled flopping back on the bed.
Releasing my hands, I grabbed a pillow and hit him hard on his face, I would have rather used my shoe but I didn’t want to cause any damage to his beautiful features.
“you’re an idiot, do you know that” I groaned.
“don’t be rough and come to bed” he whispered.
“No am going” I said with a finality.
He rose again throwing his jacket on the floor. Deftly he grabbed my waist, pinning me down on the bed with an arm and looking at me he lifted a finger as if to threaten me.
“Now listen here Selena, am not going to kiss you, or have sex, much less even dry hump unless... but I am gonna do this-
He swatted my nipple again and I gasped.
“Mostly because they’re tempting me but just get comfortable, cause you’re not leaving I just need to feel your presence here. Okay.” His voice was firm and unrelenting, he sounded sober even.
He rose off me, lazily stumbled to the en suite.
Fucking idiot. He was beginning to prove my abandonment issue theory. Why the hell does he keep on hitting my nipple? I asked myself. Feeling extremely violated, you should have worn a bra my sub taunted and I ignored her not right now.
I reached for my converse and pushed them off my feet, I’ve missed Game of Thrones all because he decided to get drunk, he’s never considerate. I didn’t even think he knew such a word, consideration.
I heard him coming out of the bathroom, this time he was shirtless I couldn’t help but stare, and remind myself he said we weren’t going to have sex but he did say unless, wait what did he mean by that. I don’t want to be one of his whores, he was just in sweats almost like mine but a darker shade, and boy was it a sight for sore eyes.
“Stop gawking” he said giving me a stare.
“Am not” I said rolling my eyes and getting to my feet.
“Sure Selena” his sarcasm was evident.
“Can we just sleep” I crossed my arms over my chest. Glaring at him, getting furious with myself for I knew he was attractive, but I always put myself against the list of girls who weren’t attracted to him, and then there I was staring like the idiot that he is.
“Oh, come on don’t hide your nipples from me” he teased.
“Dude what’s up with you and my nipples leave me alone” I almost shouted.
“I told you they’re teasing me; I would like to tease them too” he gave me a carnal look.
“Edward please, you’re probably still drunk and whatever you’re saying will be forgotten soon”
“Whatever, get to bed so we can have sex”
“What!” I yelled
“Am joking. Am joking” he raised his hands for emphasis. Seemed like when he was drunk, he was in a playful mood.
I pulled out the duvet, on the right side of the large bed.
“Nope, that’s my side” he claimed I dropped the duvet and walked over to the other side.
“Nope my side too” he giggled.
I raised my hands in defeat.
“I better just go then” I spoke
“No don’t go” he pleaded a side of me was enjoying him beg, such moments were so rear almost anything about him was rare.
I got into the bed, a scent of fabric softener, his perfume lingered around.
I felt the mattress give way to his body weight as he climbed into bed.
I heard him shift a little so I could feel the heat from his body then he whispered.
“Can I hit your nipple again?”
“No.” I replied cooly
“Please, otherwise I may just lose control and fuck you here”
“Edward no, stop don’t say such things to me” I spoke firmly, trying to pry myself off the bed.
“don’t make me attack you” he groaned some deep sound almost scary and alluring.
“Edward stop it” I warned. But it was futile for some reason he was acting like some predator.
“Fine have it your way, I didn’t want to do this but” before I could object or have a chance to register what he said, his arm was already curling around my waist pulling me to his hard torso, I yelped as his fingers went underneath my shirt and cupped my breast. He groaned in my ear; I was taken aback.
“I like your tits Selena I always have. And now that you have contacts your pretty eyes are mocking me” he pinched my nipple instead of protesting I was panting, almost pushing into his hold.

Stop. Stop. Make him stop. It’s wrong. Stop it you fool. My own attempts to reason with myself failed.
“Edward please don’t” I whimpered, enjoying the way he kneaded my breast.
“don’t you like it?” he whispered. He’s the devil, he knows the answer to that, he likes toying with people.
“Tell me Selena, don’t you?”
“Stop it, you’re drunk, you’ll regret this I know it” I murmured.
“Am fine, am not drunk” he said planting a small kiss on my neck.
With each stroke against my skin, I felt my body slowly disconnect with my senses starting to disobey my mind.
“You don’t even like me”
“Selena don’t say that, I just didn’t want you to know that I do”
“I don’t want to become your whore” I kept trying to protest.
“The women I tell you to call for me, I don’t have sex with them, they pleasure me in other ways” he said before making me shift so that it could be front to front, he stared down at me his eyes just glittering in the soft light, his hand hoisted my shirt up leaving me with my bear chest.
“How come you didn’t have sex with them?” I asked remembering what he said.
“They always throw themselves at me, and I simply don’t like free meat, but you never even notice me, you wound me that’s why am usually mean to you”
“Because I never showed interest”
“Because you never acted like you needed me” he whispered saying the words as if they hurt him.
He bent down lightly brushed his lips against my nipples and I moaned.

Do I really want this, as much as I think I hate him, I don’t, I just can’t tolerate his moods sometimes, and the fact that he doesn’t care about people?

“Edward I just think- he tugged hard on my nipple, making me press my thighs hard.
“don’t think for once Selena just feel” he murmured his warm breath tickling my skin.
He rose with a force, the duvet slipped off my whole body.
“Let’s get rid of this shall we” he said his voice husky, low, erotic as he tugged at the waist band of the sweats pulling everything off at once leaving me naked beneath.
“You have the perfect curves; I like your ass” he said and I flushed scarlet everywhere.
He placed himself in between my thighs, still in his sweats he leaned forward and kissed me, a tender kiss his tongue licked my lower lip before it slid in my mouth mingling with mine.
Oh my, we are kissing
I felt the hardness of his cock pressing against my folds through his sweats. His kiss suddenly intensified with more need. I kept reminding myself I was just supposed to feel.
He pulled away breathlessly, which made me want more.
“Do you know how badly I wanted this, how badly I wanted you?” he asked, and I just stared blankly at him, all my words lost.
“no” I managed to whisper
“Sweet, sweet Selena” he said leaning back on his heels I looked expectantly at him, then shifted my gaze to the ceiling. I heard a reap of a foil, before he parted my thighs further.
This was it no going back, you’ve let him posses you. You’re an idiot bigger than him. I felt the head of his cock rub against my folds teasingly and I whimpered.
“This is such a lovely site” he whispered. Rubbing his head against me arousing me to a point of pain.
“Just say you want me, Selena just once”
“Edward” I pleaded his name
“Come on” he continued; it was a maddening torture.
“I… Want… You” I said my body was too sensitive and sensual to think about pride.
“that’s a good girl” he said groaning from deep within as he slowly slid inside me, inch by inch I felt the hot blood surge through out my body.
And moments later the only thing that could be heard, were our mimicked moans and the constant shake of the bed.

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