Chapter 4: Conflicted Signs

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When I was finally alone Tuesday night, I couldn't help but wonder why Edward hadn't showed up for work, I didn't even get so much as a heads up normally he would call and tell me. It got me wondering if it was because of what happened Sunday, Monday morning he dropped me off at home because there was an urgent meeting that required him. I spent the whole day replaying the scenes of the night before, I was beyond terrified about what was going to happen next in our lives. Edward was my boss I should have known better than to commit coitus with him, but who was I kidding I enjoyed every minute of it. I wore my skillet band tank top and retreated to my laptop John snow was awaiting my eager eyes, but even as I watched my favorites series my thoughts drifted to Edward, I had an ache gnawing at my heart to call him but my pride was way more than I anticipated I choose to sleep early instead, my wayward thoughts didn't allow me to watch in peace.

I woke up three in the morning, I didn't have any sleep in me which was abnormally rare I would normally sleep any chance I got. I sat up and grabbed my phone from the beside table, part of me was expecting maybe a missed call or text from Edward, but nothing I had freaking nothing. Why was he avoiding me, was this his plan to fuck me senseless and then get rid of me just like that. Well not me buddy, I quickly dialed his number I got an answer on the second ring which was lucky cause I usually gave up on the third.
"hello" an accent I new all too well filled my ears and all the words I had to say got stuck in my throat, I never believed shit like that happened till then.
"Um hello, it's rude to call this late at night" Angela spoke her snappy British voice rising in frustration.
I cut the call lost for words and thought, this was what I didn't want, this was what I avoided all my life he just used me and I gave in so easily I was a bigger idiot than he was, I fell for his stupid trick to just lure me to him. I hastily wiped the scalding tears away my heart hurt, I'd never felt like that before it hurt real bad, I couldn't stop crying I curled up on the bed pulled my knees to my chest and vowed never to let anyone manipulate me like that. I don't think any human deserved what I was going through screw you Edward if you think you can use me like that and dump me. Screw you hard. I rocked myself trying to soothe the tremors that assaulted my body.

When I walked into the corporate building, I walked in with a pounding headache, but I had to keep it together I wasn't here for games I came for one mission only. I wore my favorite and best black bandage dress, with black heels, red lipstick with my black purse I looked like I was heading to a funeral, which to say was true cause I was mourning my emotions, I felt numb I had nothing in me only emptiness, the thing about betrayal it always comes from someone you know.
I endured the glares and whispers that I heard, I knew I wasn't going to have to endure them for long, I entered the elevator making sure I kept a straight face my mind was only focused on completing this task.
The doors to the elevator pinged open and I scurried out, I headed straight for the office I knocked once.
"Come in" I heard Edward's commanding voice answer.
I opened the door and closed it cautiously, what? I was still courteous. He stared at me, his brows furrowed in confusion as I looked him straight in the eyes and paced over to his desk placing the white envelope on his desk, I started to leave.
"Selena!" he yelled I paused not bothering to turn.
"what's this nonsense?"
"What nonsense Mr. Collins?" I asked still facing the door.
I heard him start stalking over to me which made me turn to avoid any surprises.

"Why are you doing this?" he whispered intently staring at me, I reminded myself that he hurt me and toyed with me to avoid my stamina from wavering.

"Am quitting can't you read" I responded
"I know, but why?" he kept gazing

"Cause I'm not going to be your sex toy and be used then disposed off" I stated

"What! Selena talk to me" he tried to urge me but I wasn't having it, I was done with him and all this love shit.

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