Chapter 8: Unexpected Expectations

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The anxiety I was feeling by the time we came to a stop at the entrance of his father's home was unexplainable. When we drove through the driveway of what I would not consider a modest home, despite Edward telling me it was. It was just as magnificent as his house not nearly as large as his but all the same stunning. I was certain he was the one keeping his father in luxury, in spite of everything he had caused. My heart started hammering in my chest, this would not have been the place I would have preferred to be that night but it meant so much to Edward, I could see it in his eyes.
He parked the car near the entrance I could see a figure emerge through the doors, a tall almost lean man stood anxiously by the door I could see the Edward on his face the looks were uncanny, he didn't have a drop of grey hair on his head if anything he didn't even look his age.
Well, it's now or never
"Are you okay?" Edward asked placing his hand on mine giving it a gentle squeeze, while his thumb lightly brushed my knuckles.
"yeah" I said squeezing his hand back, trying to subdue the whirlwind of emotions I had inside me. He climbed out of the car and walked around to my door to open it for me. I could see that he as well was a bit apprehensive but probably hid it better than I did.
His father was smiling warmly when we approached him.
"Hello father, great to see you" they both hugged each other patting one another on the back gently and turned to look at me.

"I believe this is the woman you told me about" he looked at me with a charming smile plastered on his lips, his eyes were warm and inviting, he had the same eyes as Edward seeing the both of them reminded me of a before and after picture.

"Good evening sir-
"Sir oh nonsense, call me by my name. Desmond, it's a pleasure to meet you Selena I didn't know anyone was capable of tying this one down" he looked at Edward and chuckled, I stifled a smile, feeling flushed.

"Please come in, dinner is just being served" he said gesturing us inside.
We were led to a spacious, modern dining room that had very intricate designs on the ceiling like the cathedrals in Paris, hand crafted wooden decor pieces something you'd get lost into.
The dishes were being set out by a beautiful young woman who I assumed was the help.

Edward and I took our seats side by side, his father took one opposite us.
After placing my plate before me the woman went on to say.
"Good evening everyone, tonight for the hors d' oeuvres I prepared sun dried tomato and basil roll ups with a touch of bacon and cream cheese, enjoy" she said courteously, with me smiling at her beautiful Irish accent. Then poured us each a glass of chardonnay, I would have preferred a red wine but who was I to complain. She made quick on her feet and left.
"So, Selena what was your first impression of my son when you first met?" he asked it in way as if he knew I probably wouldn't say any endearments.
"Dad come on don't ask her that" Edward whined stuffing his face with a roll like a kid.

"Well if I'm being quite honest Mr. - Uhm Desmond, I thought he was a workaholic. He barely paid attention to anyone. But the works he does made me realize how involving and caring he is to humanity" I muttered, taking a sip of wine to clear my now dry throat. Relax Selena you're doing great I think my subconscious spoke, how comforting I mentally scoffed.

"Well, that's something you don't hear every day, I understand you work for him?"
"Worked." Edward intervened again. What does he mean worked my sub was as perplexed as I was, I flushed him a look and it was only through common decency that I avoided to retort back?
"Yes Sir, I worked for him as his PA, I must say it wasn't that easy" he chuckled along with me.
"Trust me I'm quite familiar with that, demanding and nagging ever since he was kid" we both laughed inwardly.
"Quit the gossip I'm right here" Edward uttered.
"So, tell me where are you from?" Desmond changed the subject abruptly. I took my gaze to him and he stared at me warmly.

"I'm from Colorado I was born there, and then along the line I moved here"
"I once lived in Colorado that's where I met Edward's mother" he said and you could see the blush in his cheeks, but also the inkling of sadness in his eyes he must have missed her immensely. I looked over to Edward who seemed to be engrossed on his phone to notice it, his expression read something was not quite right.

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