Chapter 1: The Idiot.

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I would have started with a prologue of some sort, but damn I was too excited to start writing.

My name is Selena Watson, I'm not so good at introductions but here are the things I can tell you I'm 25 years old; I work for some snobby rich business man who owns many corporate businesses, and as much as I hate my job, it has too much of a good pay even if I'm just a mere PA.


I wish I could wrap my hands round his neck so he could stop speaking, I made little gestures closing one eye so his image could become small, imagining him choking out breathlessly.

Luckily, I did all this because we were the only ones in his office and he spoke while he gave me his back, giving me orders on what to do that afternoon, that's all he ever did order, order, order blah blah blah.

You learn how to do it yourself prick; I squinted my eyes pushing back my spectacles to the bridge of my nose as they began slipping.

"Don't forget to get my dry cleaning then take it back to my house, and please inform Angela, I will need her to drop by my house around 18:30" he turned around and gave me a dismissive smile.

My reaction was cool and complacent without answering or asking, I trotted out of his office almost slamming the door. At first sight you would think he was a nice guy, but some of us were way past that.

I went to my office slumped into the leather chair, rubbed my temples my head throbbing reminding me of what my optician said. *Come on Selena get with the times and get yourself a pair of contacts, change doesn't always hurt you know*

As much as he might have been right, I always never fancied the idea of getting contact lenses, first the fear of putting them in my eyes just made me shiver I told him I would think about it.

Grabbing the telephone and dialing the number it went through to Angela.

"yes" her voice snapped in a faint British accent that I knew all too well.
"Miss Angela, this is Mr. Edward Collins's office calling he wanted me to inform you to visit his home at around 6pm this evening."
"Ouuu Eddie wants to see me tell him I'll be there"
"Of course," I cut the call to avoid any more hurt in my head. Why do I have to be the one to call up his whores for him, doesn't he have the guts for it himself. Worthless idiot I grumbled on, I reached for my purse fumbling for my phone amongst the many different note pads I had. Eureka found it I said to my success.

I called for Luka one of Edward's drivers to take me to the dry cleaners. Luka was a very kind young man he's the one I got most along with unlike some of the other drivers.

"Four eyes!" I heard Edward calling. I got to my feet quicker than I intended to, reluctantly moving my body out of my office I walked to his which was across the hallway.

What now idiot?

I opened the door poking my head through first then allowing my body to will itself in.

He looked up at me a stupid smirk creeping up on his lips. If only he were ugly, it would have done some justice, but no even Lucifer from the Bible was known to be handsome.

"Have you called Angela?" he asked scrutinizing me.

"Yes, I did she agreed to it" I responded, trying to keep the annoyance out of my words.
"Good, I want you to reschedule my meetings"
"To when?" I asked in disbelief, it was the third time that week, I was sure people were growing impatient having to wait for him.

"I don't know figure it out" he gave me a coy smile. The words I wanted to fling at him, that's the problem with these rich people. They just leave it up to other people to sort their messes.

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