Chapter 19 Josh

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Today is the 31st December, New Year's Eve.

Apparently, the disco's casual clothing, so I'm wearing a t-shirt and a hoodie.

It's an unusually barmy night, it's certainly not snowing, it hasn't snowed at all this month – it's 15˚c.

Naira's standing outside her house when the chauffeur stops by the pavement.

She gets into the car.

She's wearing her favourite hoodie, one with a light grey to light pink chevron. She's also wearing denim jeans and black ankle boots that shine in the streetlight.



We pick up Mason on the way.

It's getting a bit awkward being together when we're suspecting that we're not best friends and we're just crushing on each other.

"Oh goodness. I wish I didn't come." Naira cringes when we get into the school's hall, the disco venue.

It's already packed with sweaty human bodies and it is only 11:30. There is a DJ blasting very loud music. I don't listen to a wide range of music so I have no idea what this song is.

"WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THIS PLACE!" Naira is visibly screaming at the top of her lungs but her voice sounds teensy.


Luckily both Mason and Naira hear me the first time.

The air outside is cool and fresh, much better than inside.

"This is why I don't like discos." she sulks.

The only one who likes discos here is Charlotte.

Oh, yeah. She's creeping behind Naira to-

"BOO." She pats her hands on Naira's shoulders.

She looks genuinely shocked for a moment. Then her expression morphs into fright.

She looks on the verge of crying, Charlotte can see that as well.

Gemma puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Lottie didn't mean to scare you that much." Gemma gives Charlotte a dirty look.

"I- I know." She sobs.

This is another lesson for Charlotte, never try to scare Naira when she is scared already and if you add more fright for her, she'll collapse. I thought Gemma's lesson would have taught Charlotte but I guess everyone needs to learn the hard way, like Mason and I.

I reach out an arm to reassure her.

"I'm sorry, Naira." Charlotte says in a soft voice.

"It's alright, I'm just an idiot for reacting like that." She wipes her tears.

"No, you're not." Mason joins in.

Naira excuses herself to the bathroom. I don't think she's going there to do business; I think she's going to cry in private.

I wait in the stinky sports hall for a while until I see a normal Naira walk in.

She sits down on a chair in the corner.

Mason walks over to her, asks her something, then leaves.

Someone taps me on the back. I turn around.

There is a girl.

"Do you want to come and dance with me?" she smiles a sweet smile, but not as sweet as Naira's.

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