Chapter 4 Mason

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Josh and I do our signature fist bump as we meet at our lockers the next morning, his locker is the one next to mine.

"Hey, mate! How was last night? Got bothered much?" I pat his back as I get my books. "The first time I met Naira's mum She bombarded me with questions, I guess the curiosity runs in their family."

We chuckle.

Josh closes the door of his locker.

"Yeah. She asked, like, 5 times if we were going out. She's very concerned about Naira's safety, one of those overprotective parents."

He did the vomit action but I could still see his cheeks flushing a bit.

I've been closely inspecting him since the start of school and I suspect that he has a crush on Naira, which I think is seriously not good, and before you accuse me of doing so, no, I do not have a crush on Naira, that would be so... horrendous since I've known her since year 3, she's one of my oldest friends and also because my best mate already likes her.

The reason I know this is because every time he sees her, he inspects her like a goddess, he's doing it now.

"Hey Little Miss clever!" I watch as Josh approaches Naira with a charming smile. She gives Josh a hug before giving me one, that's her thing - the hug, not the 'Josh first'.

"Is Mason going to your place as well?" Naira says enthusiastically. She seems really excited about it.

"No, I've got diving today, remember?" I sigh, waiting for her to comfort me, but instead, she just shrugs.

"You're the one missing out, don't even think about me feeling sympathy for you." She smirks and closes her locker door.

I pretend to look sad, and do my best puppy dog eyes, Naira loves my puppy dog eyes

"Pout!" she giggles.

I do as she told, and before I know it, her phone is in my face and there is a flash of blinding light.

She gasps all fake.

"Oops, I forgot to switch off flash. Oh well, you don't look blind to me!" she winks, in a playful way.

I see Josh looking left out and instantly, I feel guilty.

"Hey! You can't take photos of me without my permission!" I wine, spreading my arms wide.

"Well maybe you should have thought of that before you pouted on my command!" she shouts and giggles hysterically, already walking in the opposite direction with Josh by her side.


I've never really been fond of school lunches, although they are high-class and everything, I prefer pasta. Yeah, I know you're probably thinking 'What the hell Mason, pasta's so simple and boring! Even garlic bread is better!' but due to personal reasons, pasta is my favourite food and will always be.

I open the packed lunch mum made this morning and start tucking into the food as Mackenzie walks towards me and the space I am sitting in the school field.

"Hey, Mason."

She looks cute even in her green school uniform, cuter than any other girl – Other than Naira. What? I'm just trying to be loyal!

Her wavy blond hair is tied up in a high ponytail and unlike on some other girls, it looked particularly nice on her.

"Hi, Mackenzie." I reply, trying not to stare at her.

"By the way, just call me Kenzie, all my friends call me that. Can I join your little picnic?" she waves her hand at the floor

"Yeah, sure." I smile, trying not to look too over-enthusiastic as she has referred to me as her friend, although that is how I am feeling.

I make space for her under the small shade of the tree.

She sits down and brings out her laptop from the designer handbag she's carrying. She puts it in front of my nearly empty box of pasta salad.

She is literally leaning into me to see the screen, so I quickly finish my lunch and put it back into my backpack.

She starts talking about the topic and how we are going to link all the small facts into a big conclusion, but I am busy relishing the fact that there is an attractive girl breathing onto my hand.

You'd probably think 'Aww. That's so romantic! You should kiss her!' but to me, that is totally and utterly HORRIBLE. The only reason why Mackenzie is here is because of the history project. We didn't even choose to be partners. I was originally planning to team up with my mate, Daniel, but the horrible teacher decided to split everyone up and make us work with people we wouldn't usually work with, which meant mixing boys with girls, but other than that, there is nothing happening between us, positive.

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