Chapter 18 Charlotte

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Oh my word is he gorgeous!

Right there on the other side of the restaurant is a perfectly gorgeous guy. He has dirty blond, slightly wavy hair, blue eyes and a breath-taking smile. He's chatting with his friends and eating a pepperoni pizza. I watch as his hair flops into his eyes and he flicks it back.

Oh, how I wish he's my boyfriend.

"He looks at least 20." Naira nudges me and smiles her pretty smile.

There's no point in me saying 'I don't know who you're talking about.' Because she'll just point him out.

"So what." I shrug and eat the pasta on my plate.

"Is there anything left that hasn't come yet?" I change the topic.

"Yeah, the calamari." Mason answers with a sip of his strawberry lemonade.

"What's calamari." Naira asks curiously.

"Aww, you look so innocent!" I cradle her face in my palms and squeeze it.

"Jusht becash I'm young doeshench mean I'm innoshench." She says oh so very innocently.

"You look and sound so cute!" Gemma laughs and tickles her.

She shrieks and slaps her lightly on the hands.

"If any of you even touch me, I will scream again!" she warns, we all chuckle in response.

"What is calamari?" she asks again.

The calamari arrives and she stares curiously at it.

"What's that?" she asks and picks a piece up with the serving fork.

"It's calamari." Josh answers, bewildered that Mrs. Smarty-pants doesn't know something for once.

Naira rolls her eyes.

"I know that, but what is calamari. This is the 4th time I've asked you guys, can someone just tell me?" she frowns.

"It's basically deep-fried squid." Gemma hugs herself with guilt.

She drops the fork onto the table, causing a loud clash.

Naira's face looks neutral for a second, then it turns into a face of disgust to a face red with infuriation.

"What!" she screams, standing up. The whole restaurant looks at us, including the boy. We lock eyes for a second but I look away blushing that he had to witness this.

"That's why we weren't telling her." Mason mutters under his breath.

"Calm down, Naira." Gemma pleads and tries to pull Naira back down into her seat.

Josh cuts in.

"There's hardly any squid in it, Naira. It's mostly just oil." He takes her hand and gently pulls her down. Magically, she sits down without a word of complaint.

People aren't looking at us anymore, thankfully.

"Why would you call me an edible animal." She sobs.

Naira can get upset very easily. She once got mad because I told her cheesecake is disgusting.

"We didn't think about that." I hear Mason say.

We finish most of the meal.

I'm looking at the boy across the room.

He's now getting ready to leave with his friends.

"I know you're dying to go talk to him." Gemma whispers in my ear, making me jump.

I nod and get up, taking my bag.

"WHAT THE HELL?!"Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя