Chapter 3 Naira

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I watch as the lady talking to my mum hugs Josh.

"I can still drive you home if you like, I got here early." She coos.

Josh's lower jaw is slightly ajar, showing his shiny, white teeth, I've never noticed those before.

He closes his mouth and frowns at the women - those frowns little children give you when they don't get what they want - he looks so cute!

Frighteningly, she turns her gaze to me and stage-whispers "Honey, is this your girlfriend?"

Josh turns as red as beetroot. He looks like he is about to punch to life out of this woman.

I'm sure I'm blushing a bit as well because my mum frowns at me with a questioning look.

Josh doesn't look like he is going to start talking anytime soon so I speak up.

"Actually, Josh is just a friend and mum agreed to drive him home."

There is an awkward silence.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Mrs. Taylor, I wish you well." mum says as she shakes Mrs. Taylor's hand, and then I realise the obvious.

Mrs. Taylor is Josh's mum!


I sit down on my usual seat silently in the car.

Josh's mum had agreed to let mum drive him home when she got a sudden call to go to her meeting early.

Josh is staring blankly out of the window. He is siting a seat away from me in the back.

"How was your day, Joshua? Did you have fun? Are you hungry? If so, I could drive you to our place and cook something for you? Are you comfortable back there? Do you want to sit in the front seat? It might be more comfortable." She looks at Josh in the rear-view mirror. She has been firing him with questions since he got into the car, the most embarrassing one is yet to come.

"Are you guys dating?"

I gasp "MUM!"

I take a side glance at Josh, He is on his phone, texting Mason.

I lean closer to look at what they are saying. They are still talking about the incident in the restaurant. According to Mason's message to Josh, the waitress is his brother's girlfriend. I remember the waitress with brown hair tied in a bun, then I remember: The waitress was Edith! It's a small world isn't it.

"Naira, please can you not look at Joshua's phone, it's rude." Mum glares at me through the rear-view mirror.

"He can tell me that himself." I glare back at her.

"It's fine Mrs. Abiodun. We do that all the time." He says without looking up from his phone.

"You can call me me-"

Just then, my phone rings. I pick it out of my handbag and see that it is Gemma and Charlotte's daily 8pm call. I quickly put on my air-pods and answer the call. As soon as I do, we shriek hysterically together, it's a tradition we started in year 8.

Josh finally looks up from his phone screen and asks me what is wrong, well, rather shouted what is wrong. I just wave him away and he shrugs.

I playfully put the phone in his face and we all giggled, the girls, not Josh.

He strikes a pose showing off his chestnut brown hair making himself laugh as well.

Charlotte tells me to lend Josh one of my air-pods so that he can join in on the conversation.

He takes off the single air-pod in his ear and puts on mine as I slipped off my other one. We all prank him by screaming again but even louder this time!

He groans and frowns at me, his chestnut eyes glistening in the dim light.


We dropped Josh off at the address he gave mum.

The house is massive, it could be called a mansion.

Josh chuckles as he sees my wide eyes.

"You could come my place for a swim after school tomorrow if you like." He smiles.

"Can I bring Charlotte and Gem?"

"Sure!" I grin enthusiastically, excited to go to Josh's place for the first time. This was truly the first time I had even driven past this remarkable building!

Josh leaves after answering a few more embarrassing questions from mum.

"Why did you have to ask him all those stupid questions." I ask when she pulls onto the main road.

"To get to know him more. I've never seen him before." She pauses. "Is he really your boyfriend?"

"NO, MUM! How many times do you need me to tell you this!" I shout. I am so frustrated that she keeps on asking this. Do we really look that much like a couple? I hope not.

"I'm just caring for you! I don't want you to do your GCSE's half-heartedly! I'm fine if you're dating, I won't mid him being my son-in-law, in fact, I'd be delighted!" she says calmly.

"Oh my God can you not say that!" I use my hands to cover the corners of my mouth edging up.

I get really annoyed when she's really calm about some things, things that comes out of her mouth doesn't fit her expression and tone!

"You know I've been working hard since year 7 to do well in the GCSE's and you know that nothing can stop me. Next time can you please just leave my friends alone!"

She pulls into the driveway and I hop out of the car.

I've already sent a text to the girls asking them if they want to go to Josh's. They reply and say yes, we arrange to meet at Charlotte's to get ready.


Just before I go to bed, I get a call from Josh saying there would be a taxi waiting at Charlotte's house by 4:30 the next day.

"It's okay Josh you don't need to pay for it. We'll pay you back."

"It's fine. Make sure you bring everything though! I'll see you at the lockers tomorrow!" he says.

"Good night! Sweet dreams!" I smile, he's so generous!

"You too!" I cut off.

I lie down on my bed after having a hot bath and finishing the rest of my research homework.

I open the new novel I got from the library, and after a while, I fall asleep with the book on my face, covering the big smile that fills it.

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