Chapter 26- Moon Daisy

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    Xingchen was now about 6 months in and his bump was getting bigger as time passes. He and Xue Yang were now laying in bed at night and were talking. Xue Yang was behind Xingchen and had his arms wrapped around the man's waist, caressing the bump he smiled.
    "XingXing, how far are you in again?" He asked next to Xingchen's ear.
     "About 6 months, why?" Xingchen said shivering.
      "No reason, just wondering when I'll get to see the baby," Xue Yang kissed Xingchen's neck and went up to kiss him under the ear, "and also, you'll be the best mother."
      "I hope I'm not as moody when they come," Xingchen said chuckling.
      "You're not that moody, besides when the baby is born you probably will be how you were before. Except with no sleep," Xue Yang said.
       Xingchen groaned, "No don't remind me." Xue Yang chuckled and they both laid there in silence when Xingchen asked an odd question, "Do you think I could fit 15 dumplings in my mouth?"
      "What? No, you probably can't," Xue Yang said.
     "I fit you in my mouth," Xingchen said boldly.
      "What did you just say?!"
      Xingchen smiled, "I said I can fit you in my mouth."
      "Xingchen, you are getting bolder by the minute," Xue Yang said and laughed softly.
      "Speaking of which, we haven't gotten any action since we figured out I was pregnant," Xingchen said almost temptingly.
      "No, absolutely not," Xue Yang said, "I don't want to hurt you or the baby."
       "The doctor told me a few days ago that it was alright, Hanguang Jun can confirm it, please," Xingchen began to rub his back against Xue Yang's front.
      "So if I go ask him right now he'll say yes?" Xue Yang asked biting his lip.
       "Yes," Xingchen said and smirked when he felt something hard poking his back.
"Fine," Xue Yang said, he knew if Xingchen said that he wouldn't mind if he asked, it must be true. Xingchen smiled victoriously but gasped when he was sharply turned around, Xue Yang leaned down and passionately kissed is lover.
     Xingchen smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Xue Yang's neck, he felt his fingers entangle in the hair. Xue Yang began to move down and kiss Xingchen's jaw and neck, he sucked on the skin and then bit the spot before moving down earning a moan from the man underneath him.
    Suddenly there was a knock on the door, "Uncle! Come out, something urgent came up!"
    Xingchen and Xue Yang scrambled away from each other and sat up, "What happened a-Xian?" Xingchen called out fixing his clothes and hair.
    "You remember that flower that you talked about? The...Moon Daisy! That's the name, well we found it," Wei said.
     "Wait really?!" Xingchen and Xue Yang said at the same time.
     "Yes! Now come out I know you two were about to fuck!" Wei said, Xingchen turned a bright red and Xue Yang smirked.
      They walked out and Xue Yang grabbed Xingchen's hand, "So where is it?"
      "It's in the Cave Pool that me and Lan Zhan found all those years ago, we never saw it until he went to visit for a while and saw it. He said it was protected by a lot energy, both good and bad," Wei said.
      "Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Xue Yang grabbed Wei's arm and began running with him and Xingchen. Wei ended up leading them to Master Lan and Wangji who were talking about the precious flower.
"Master Lan, Hanguang Jun," the three men greeted.
"You are here for the flower too I suppose," Master Lan said.
"Yes, please let Xingchen get the flower. I don't want it to be honest, I just want Xingchen to have it," Xue Yang said.
"Why do you think he deserves it?" Master Lan asked.
"He is a kind and always puts others before himself. He took my punishment willingly even though he knew there was a possibility he could die, when Sect Leader Jiang attacked me he put himself in front of me even thought he was pregnant. He has saved so many people and never let his blindness stop him, he never gives up even if he's on the verge of passing out," Xue Yang finished his speech with a big breath, he turned around and saw Xingchen crying.
"I'm sorry, this pregnancy made me really emotional," Xingchen said and Xue Yang chuckled, the man in black hugged his lover carefully and let him cry on his shoulder.
"I only said a couple of nice things," Xue Yang laughed, "this baby is really changing everything."
"You're so sweet and kind and I love you so much," Xingchen cried, "what did I ever do to deserve you?"
"You were the person I needed, that's why," Xue Yang said, he rubbed the man's back soothingly.
"I guess I was, wasn't I?"
"Yes you were," Xue Yang let go of Xingchen and looked around to see Wei crying as well, "oh come on! Was it that emotional?"
Wei laughed, "Yes, it actually was." Xue Yang sighed, what am I going to do with these two?
Master Lan cleared his throat, "I think what Xue Yang said is true, Xiao Xingchen is a very good person and has is very selfless, I think he deserves the Moon Daisy."
"Wait really?!" Xingchen asked.
"Yes, come here," Xingchen walked over and Master Lan grabbed his arm, "come with me."
Xue Yang was about to follow but was held back by Wangji, "Stay."
"Why? What if something goes wrong and he gets hurt? What if the baby gets hurt?!" Xue Yang said beginning to panic.
"Xue Yang calm down, it's pretty much impossible to get hurt with that flower. If anything he and baby will become stronger and healthier," Wei said calmly.
"But-but..." he sighed, "fine." They sat down on the floor and waited, Wei and Wangji began to talk a bit while Xue Yang went off into space. What if something does happen?

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