Chapter 10- No

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It was a couple weeks later and Xingchen was in town buying some food. He walked down town and heard a voice from behind him, "Xiao Xingchen."
Xingchen turned around at the familiar voice, his heart beating fast in his chest and butterflies in his stomach, "Xue Yang?"
"Yep, it's me," Xue Yang replied smiling, he walked up to the shook man, "Xingchen, what are you doing in town?"
"I came to buy some food," the man replied still in shock, "what about you?"
"Me too, what a coincidence." Xue Yang chuckled softly before suddenly gripping Xingchen's hand, the man gasped as Xue Yang led him away from town and somewhere deep in the forest.
"W-what are you doing? Xue Yang let me go!" Xingchen yanked his hand away and took a step back, "Xue Yang stop!"
Xue Yang turned to the man, "Why should I?" He asked in a low voice, "You never stopped when I told you to."
"What?" Xingchen asked his eyebrows furrowing.
"I don't know how many times I have told you to stop being kind to me yet you still did," Xue Yang said almost in a whisper, "you made me fall for you, Xingchen."
"No I didn't, you think you love me but you really just hate me," Xingchen said bitterly, Xue Yang's heart ached at the words.
"But I do love you, after all these years of being with you I feel something that I have never felt before and it hurts, but it feels so sweet at the same time. And you love me too, don't think I never noticed how you would favor me over little blind, or how you would smile at me how a lovers smile at each other."
Xingchen froze, how did Xue Yang catch all those small details? "I-I don't get what you mean."
"Oh don't act stupid," Xue Yang scoffed, "you love me just as much as I love you."
"No I don't, I love Zichen," the man replied.
"Is that what he told you?! That he loves you and you love him?!" Xue Yang said before breaking into a laugh, "I can't believe it, I knew he would do something like this."
"I was the one who proposed that we get together," Xingchen said plainly, "Zichen had nothing to do with this."
" what?" Xue Yang said, "You asked to get with him?! Is it because you wanted to forget about me?"
"I never loved you Xue Yang," Xingchen said causing the said man's heart to shatter. Xue Yang nodded and smiled sadly, of course he doesn't love me, why would anyone ever love a criminal like me.
"Alright, I'll leave you alone from now on." Xue Yang left and Xingchen stood still for a along time before finally walking back to Song Lan and a-Qing.
He arrived and was greeted by the young girl hugging his waist, "A-Qing, what is it?"
The girl felt tears begin to well up in her eyes, but she kept them at bay, "I heard you and Xue Yang."
Xingchen froze, "How-how much did you hear?"
"Almost everything, and I'm sorry," a-Qing said, "I know you like him but you can't be with him."
"But I don't like him, nor do I love him," the man said.
"But you do! You may not realize it now but you truly do love him," the girl said, now crying in his arms, "and it's sad. Because whether he is evil or not he still has feelings, and he loves you so much. He would always speak so kindly to you, and would talk mean to me, that isn't just anything."
Xingchen hugged the girl back and let her cry, he pat her back softly and began to rock them side to side. The girl soon calmed down and the parted, she sniffled and shook her head, "You are so stupid, you don't even realize that you don't love Song Lan. He doesn't love you either, he just thinks he does, he acts like your best friend not a lover."
     A-Qing walked away with those words leaving Xingchen in shock. Is she right? Do me and Zichen not love each other?

    Xue Yang felt as if his heart had just been torn into pieces, he was in Coffin Town on the floor with tears running down his face. His head fell forward and he didn't care about anything, he wouldn't care if someone came walking in and attacked him. All he wanted was for Xingchen to come back to him, and love him. But he knew that wouldn't happen, he was with Song Lan after all, so he no longer had a chance.
    The man looked up at the sky and asked, "Why...why me?" His head dropped and he shut his eyes tightly, he was beginning to get a headache. He wiped his tears but they kept falling, he stood up and walked to the small building. Xue Yang walked to the kitchen and sat at the table where he rested his head on his arms and closed his eyes.
    He began to silently cry into his arms and felt the headache get even worse. Damn it, why can't I stop crying? Xue Yang sat still, crying, until he finally had no more tears to cry. The headache lowered and he finally fell asleep, the only problem was that he wished he could hear the sounds of Xingchen and a-Qing talking.
     Xue Yang loved listening to Xingchen's voice, it was always so calm and relaxing. A-Qing's voice, on the other hand, was more loud and childish. She sounded like a little girl that just got her favorite toy, but she was also wise. Some would call her an old soul, she could carry on deep conversations and understand them perfectly.
     Xingchen could carry a deep conversation as well, but he would rather them to be more carefree. That was his best type of conversation, he could be so carefree and playful at times. Xue Yang loved listening to Xingchen talk about trees and nature, the man would always sound so happy. He would also sound poetic, when he talked about nature or deep things he would make it sound like a beautiful poem.
    Xue Yang soon fell asleep thinking about the man and the young girl, their voices playing on repeat in his head.

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