Chapter 7- Stolen Kiss

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    It was around a year since Xue Yang was rescued, he was completely healed but stayed with the two anyways. Over time he ended up growing fond of a-Qing and he even grew feelings for Xingchen, the man however was completely oblivious of Xue Yang's feelings.
   At the moment Xingchen was making food for the two young people and was humming a soft melody. He quickly finished and called out for the two, "A-Yang! A-Qing! Food's ready!"
    The two rushed in and sat down eager to eat his delicious food, Xingchen chuckled at their childishness and placed the bowls in front of them.
    "Thank you!" They said in union then glared at each other.
     "You're welcome," Xingchen said smiling, "now eat before the food gets cold." The two ate and soon finished the food, "Wow," he said once they finished, "you two are quick."
     "Your food is the best!" A-Qing exclaimed, "I want more."
     Xue Yang nodded, "Yeah, me too," he said and Xingchen smiled.
     "Alright, I'll make some more but this is the last bowl you two are getting understood?" Xingchen said.
      "Yes," the two answered, nodding their heads. Xingchen turned to the kitchen and made two more bowls which were soon devoured by Xue Yang and a-Qing.

      It was around noon and Xingchen was out on his daily walk in the woods. He was walking between the trees and suddenly heard a noise from his left side, he drew his sword and was met by another.
     "Who is it?" He asked the person, but earned no response. Instead the person attacked him, Xingchen blocked the hits and realized that they felt strangely familiar to him. He began to fight back and the blocking moves were even more familiar, but who could it be?
     His sword was suddenly kicked out of his hand and he took a step back, he stood still and waited for the person to attack. But the attack never came, instead the person walked forward slowly and gripped the back of his head. He let out a small gasp as the person leaned in and placed their lips onto his.
     Xingchen froze, he didn't know how to react so he simply stood still and let it happen. The person began to move their lips against his and bit his bottom lip, he winced at the slight pain.
     The lips were warm and soft, Xingchen began to slowly kiss back when suddenly the person pulled away. He reached an arm up and felt nothing, the person had left. Xingchen touched his lips and felt the lingering feeling of the soft pair of lips. He sighed and walked back to Coffin Town, the kiss on his mind.

   Xue Yang was pacing around in the small kitchen with wide eyes. Why did I do that? He thought to himself, I'm so stupid. He heard footsteps and turned towards the door, it was Xingchen. Damn it, he looked at Xingchen and smiled. "Xingchen, do you need something?" He asked, "You look a bit shaken up what happened?"
    "I...I just-" Xingchen stoppped, "never mind, it's alright."
    "Are you sure? You know you can tell me anything," Xue Yang reassured the man.
     "Yeah it's fine, I'm just a little surprised," Xingchen said.
     "Can I ask what happened?" Xue Yang said siting down at the table.
     Xingchen sat down as well, "You see I was on a walk a while ago right? And someone came up to me and attacked me, their moves were very familiar to me but I don't from where. Then the person suddenly kissed me after taking Frostwork! Can you believe it?!"
"What did you do? After they kissed you, did you hit them? Did you kiss them back? What?" Xue Yang asked.
"I froze!" Xingchen exclaimed, "I stopped moving and I couldn't think at all."
"You were in shock, that's why," Xue Yang said, "and that's alright. But next time push them away and run, alright?"
"Alright," Xingchen replied, "it probably won't happen but if it does I'll be ready."
"I'm sure you will, now should we get those herbs we need?" Xue Yang suddenly suggested, causing Xingchen to nod slowly.
"Sure, I need to get my mind off of that kiss anyways. Let's go," he stood up and grabbed a basket on the way outside. Xue Yang walked behind him and smiled fondly, he was so hopelessly in love with the man.
If anyone dares to hurt him, I will kill them myself, he thought, maybe I'll torture them then kill them slowly. He loved the thought of killing and hurting others, except Xingchen. For some reason Xue Yang always hesitated when it came to hurting the young man, he was oblivious of his feelings until now. Why am I being overprotective of him? Is it because of that kiss? Or is it because...I'm in love with Xingchen? No! No,no,no I can't be.
But if I wasn't then I wouldn't be all worked up about this. Damn it, this is confusing.
"A-Yang," he heard a voice say, he looked up and saw Xingchen looking at him with soft eyes, "a-Yang would you like to come with me?"
Xue Yang hesitated for a moment and Xingchen looked a bit upset, until he answered, "Sure, I'll come."
Xingchen smiled, "Great, let's go then." Xue Yang smiled and nodded, and together they went off into the big, green trees. It was a beautiful day and Xue Yang was excited to spend it with Xingchen.

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