Chapter 14- I'm Sorry

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     Xue Yang woke up to a killer headache, he grabbed his head and winced at the light shining through the cracks on the window. Why did I drink so much? Damn, he thought. Memories flashed in his mind and he looked down, right, Xingchen left again. "Damn it Xiao Xingchen," he said angrily, "why did you leave again? All I wanted was you to love me."
     He picked up another bottle and ignored the headache. He chugged the whole bottle and threw it to the ground once he finished, "Damn you!" He yelled as the bottle shattered into pieces.
      The man full of emotions walked outside unsteadily. He went into the woods nearby and walked to the lake, he sat down at the edge of the water and closed his eyes. "Why?" He said his voice cracking, "Why does this always happen to me? All I want is to be happy, but villains don't get a happy ending do they? All we get is to suffer."
     He laid down with tears falling down his cheeks and shakily sighed. He opened his eyes and saw the blue sky, the sky is so pure, if only I could have love like that. He smiled sadly at the thought of Xingchen, if only the man had noticed his feelings earlier.
    Xue Yang felt as if someone had just stabbed his chest and hit his head with a rock. Crying and alcohol wasn't a good mix, but Xue Yang didn't care. He deserved the pain, he doesn't deserve to be happy or to have love, he deserves all the pain he could possibly get. Villains don't get happy endings after all.

    "Zichen! Zichen!" The man turned at the sound of the voice and smiled.
    "Xingchen, what is it?" Song Lan asked as he looked at the running man.
     "I don't think this going to work out," Xingchen said quickly getting to the point.
      "W-what do you mean?" Song Lan asked.
       "I mean, I don't think me and you in a romantic relationship is going to work out. We don't love each other in that way, we only think of each other as friends," Xingchen explained.
      "But I do love you, and you said you loved me," Song Lan said, "what made you change your mind?"
     "I never loved you in that way, I just thought I did," Xingchen said, he was getting a bit nervous at the tension in the air.
     "Well what do you want to do?" Song Lan asked, he was trying to calm himself down and push all emotions away.
     "I want to be with Xue Yang, and I want you and I to be friends again. We never worked out as lovers so I think it's best to go back to lovers," Xingchen said, "you will find someone who you will truly love I know it. But it can't and won't be me."
     Song Lan sighed disappointed, "Alright," he said, "I have no right to say anything against what you do."
      "Wait really?" Xingchen asked excitedly.
     "Yes, you can go be with Xue Yang," Song Lan said.
      Xingchen smiled widely and nodded, "Thank you Zichen," he said before running off into the trees and soon riding his sword away into the distance.
     He arrived at Coffin Town and searched for Xue Yang. He called out, "Xue Yang! Xue Chengmei! Where are you?!"
     Hearing no response he ran into the woods and searched, having no luck he went to the nearby lake to get some rest. He was a at the edge of the trees when he heard a voice, "Xingchen?" 
     "Xue Yang? Is that you?" The man in white asked.
     "'s me. What are you doing here? Are you going to tell me how much you hate me now," the man's words were a bit slurred.
He's drunk, Xingchen thought, "Xue Yang I'm not going to do that, I was looking for you because I have to tell you something."
"What?" Xue Yang asked tiredly, he sounded as if all life had just been stripped away from him.
"I wanted to say that I'm sorry, I love you, and that I'm not with Song Lan anymore," Xingchen said, "I didn't mean anything I said before and I want to be your lover."
Xue Yang shot up and looked at the man, "Are you serious?"
"Yes, I'm not Song Lan's lover anymore. We are simply friends, we never loved each other, we just thought of each other as brothers," Xingchen took a few steps forward and smiled, "I never meant all those things I said last time, I truly do love you and I actually enjoyed being with you," he whispered the last part shyly.
But Xue Yang heard it and smirked, "You what? I couldn't quite hear the last part."
"Nothing! I didn't say anything," Xingchen quickly said shaking his hands in front of him.
"Alright, if you say so. But do you really love me? Or are you saying this because you feel bad?" Xue Yang had begun to sober up by now.
"I actually mean it, I promise," he responded. Xue Yang smiled and ran up to Xingchen and wrapped his arms around the shocked man's neck.
Xingchen hugged the man back after regaining his senses and smiled. Xue Yang nuzzled Xingchen's neck causing the man to laugh, "Chengmei~ stop it," he said laughing.
"No, you deserve it for making me sad," Xue Yang huffed, he was smiling like a silly little kid.
Xingchen raised a hand and stroked Xue Yang's hair gently, "Come one, we have to get you fully sober." He half carried half dragged the whining man to Coffin Town (since it was the nearest) and sat him at a table.
He got a cup of water and gave it to Xue Yang, "Here, drink this." Xue Yang took it and swallowed it in one go.
Xue Yang was now fully sober but was still acting like a child, "No~ don't go," he said grabbing onto Xingchen's arm.
"I have to go Chengmei, don't you want to see a-Qing again? We can bring her and Zichen here and we can all live together," Xingchen said trying to persuade the man.
"The brat can come, but not that stupid Song Lan."
Xingchen scoffed, "Why not?"
"Because he took you away from me," Xue Yang said clinging to Xingchen, "if he lives with us, he's going to take you again."
Xingchen laughed, "No, don't worry he won't. He understands that we are just friends now and he respects it, he won't try anything I promise."
"Are you sure?" Xue Yang asked looking up at Xingchen.
The man nodded, "Positive."
"Alright, but if he tries anything I'm kicking him out!" Xue Yang said letting go of Xingchen's arm.
Xingchen nodded, "Whatever you want Chengmei."
Xue Yang turned a light pink, good thing he's blind, he thought as he watched the man walk away.

Another ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora