Chapter 19- Yin Iron

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Xingchen and Xue Yang were laying im bed late at night. Xingchen was facing away from his lover and Xue Yang had an arm around the man's waist, they were laying in peace when Xue Yang suddenly got an idea. He leaned over and bit Xingchen's ear softly, "You're mine," he mumbled around the skin.
"Are you sure?" Xingchen mumbled half asleep, Xue Yang frowned and pulled the man closer to him sharply.
He let go of Xingchen's ear and went down to kiss his jaw, "I'm pretty sure you are, or do you need me to show you again?" He whispered huskily.
Xingchen shivered and turned red as a rose, "N-no, it's alright."
Xue Yang huffed, "That's what I thought." He loosened his grip on the man and they stayed still for a few more minutes.
"Do you still have the Yin Iron?" Xingchen suddenly asked.
"I do," Xue Yang said, "but I'm not using it anymore don't worry."
"What do you mean anymore?" Xingchen asked suspicious.
"I may or may not have used it to kill people a long time ago. And I also may have worked with Jin Guangyao to kill Sect Leader Nie and Sect Leader Jin, all those years ago."
"You what?!" Xingchen sat up and turned to Xue Yang in shock, "You killed two sect leaders?!"
"It was a long time ago, so it doesn't really matter anymore. Besides I regret it now," Xue Yang was being surprisingly honest, "I wish I never did it. And I won't do anything anymore, I promise."
Xingchen sighed and shook his head, "Xue Yang, you amaze me sometimes. And it's not always in a good way," he said laying back down. Xue Yang smiled and placed his arm back on his waist, he pulled his lover close and kissed the back of Xingchen's neck softly.
"I'm sorry, I promise I won't hurt anyone again," he said nuzzling into Xingchen's neck.
"Fine I believe you, but if I catch you doing something I'm leaving again," Xingchen threatened. Xue Yang nodded rapidly and Xingchen smiled, he knew his lover would hate him leaving the most. "What did you do with it before though? When we searched you all those years ago we didn't find anything on you."
"Well you see I had it, but I hid it before arriving. Then when you searched me I of course only had a trace of having it," Xue Yang said, "now let's sleep I'm getting tired."
Xingchen nodded, "Alright." He fell asleep with the thought of Xue Yang in his head, while Xue Yang stayed up and played with his lover's hair. He began by combing his fingers through the hair then went on to braiding the hair with great delicacy. He knew it was the right thing to tell his lover about the Yin Iron, but that didn't mean he felt as if he shouldn't have.
    Xue Yang closed his eyes and thought about everything he had done, good an bad. It was true, he regretted a large part if his life, but one thing he had never regretted was telling Xingchen his feelings. He would never regret falling in love, and not killing the man. Xue Yang smiled, maybe villains do get a happy ending, he thought before letting his consciousness flow away.

     It was a couple of weeks after they talked about the Yin Iron and Xue Yang was walking in the forest collecting herbs when he heard noises in the bushes, "Who's there?" He asked taking out his dagger.
"It's just me," a voice replied, an old woman came out from behind the bushes. "There is no need to be alarmed young man, I am simply picking herbs."
Xue Yang put his dagger away, "Sorry for being rude then," he said bowing.
"Oh, stop that!" The woman said, "I am merely an old woman, there is no need to say sorry. Besides you seem to have some herbs I need, where did you find them?"
"Oh these? They were over there," he pointed in the direction he came from.
"Thank you young man, is there anything I can do for you in return?" The woman asked.
"No, no, there's no need. I'm alright," Xue Yang said beginning to walk away.
"Wait! You have a friend who is blind!" The woman called out, making Xue Yang freeze.
He turned around, "How do you know that?"
"Don't ask me how I know, ask me if I can help him," the woman said exasperated.
"Fine, can you help him?"
"I can't, but I know what can," the woman took out a small crystal, "take this, your friend can carry that with him. On a full moon, go outside and ask the gods to help him, after a few days he should get his eyesight back."
"How do I know it's going to work?" Xue Yang asked.
"It worked for my sister, it should work for your friend," the woman gave him the crystal and walked away. Xue Yang watched the woman leave with great confusion but shrugged his shoulders, he walked back to Coffin Town with a basket full of herbs.
"XingXing!" He called out, "Come here for a second!"
Xingchen walked out of the house, "Chengmei, did you get the herbs I asked you to get?" He went to Xue Yang who put the crystal in his hand, "What's this?"
"This woman stopped me a while ago and knew that you were blind, she gave me that and told me that on a full moon we should ask the gods to help. Then you should be able to see after a few days," Xue Yang explained.
"Will it work?"
Xue Yang shrugged, "I don't know, but the woman said it helped her sister so it must work."
Xingchen thought for a moment, "Alright, we'll try it. And if it doesn't work we can just throw the rock away," he said finally, "what color is it?"
"It's white and really pretty," Xue Yang said, he walked away leaving Xingchen alone with the rock.
Will this really work? Can I finally get my eyesight back?

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