Chapter 25- Kick

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    It has been about 4 months since they met with the doctor and she had left already. They were still waiting for the time to come to pick the flower, and were getting impatient.
    Xue Yang was bored so he decided to bother his lover who was cooking food for both of them, it was fun to bother him because he would get mad easily now. He walked up behind his lover quietly and whispered in his ear, "Are you almost done?"
     Xingchen sighed, "No, and unless you leave I won't be done until another hour. Now scram."
     Xue Yang chuckled, "Are you sure you want me to leave?"
     "Yes I'm positive, now leave," Xingchen pushed the man away softly and continued cooking. He had a small bump on his stomach that was growing larger by the day, it would bother him sometimes but he could manage. He caressed his stomach, "Baby, your father's bothering me again."
     Xue Yang had just sat down when he heard a gasp, "What is it? Are you alright?" He rushed over and looked at Xingchen.
    "No, give me your hand!" Xingchen said excitedly, Xue Yang gave him his hand and Xingchen led it to his bump, "Just stay still."
    Xue Yang stayed silent and felt a small movement under his hand, he froze and his eyes grew wide, "What was that?"
    "The baby just kicked! I was complaining about you to them and they kicked!" Xingchen smiled widely.
     "You were complaining about me to the baby?!"
     "Of course, why wouldn't I?" Xingchen said as if it was obvious, "You have to talk to the baby and what better way to do it than by complaining."
     Xue Yang's jaw dropped, "How could you? I'm so hurt," he said sounding sad.
     Xingchen immediately responded, "I won't complain anymore, I promise."
    "You better," Xue Yang said, "also you should probably sit down." He took Xingchen's hand and guided him to a chair before taking over in the cooking. He finished the food and gave some to Xingchen then sat down and ate.
    They were in the middle of eating when Wei and Jiang Cheng suddenly barged in the room. "Uncle! What a surprise, what are you eating?" Wei said.
     "It's just soup, also the baby kicked!" Xingchen said smiling like a little kid.
      "Really? Let me feel!" Wei and Jiang Cheng rushed forward earning a glare from Xue Yang, they slowed down and sat down in front of Xingchen. Wei placed his head against Xingchen's stomach, he let out a small gasp.
     "It kicked!" Xingchen nodded and Wei moved away letting Jiang Cheng take a turn. Jiang Cheng and the couple had grown into best friends, almost brothers.
     Jiang Cheng pressed his ear against the bump and listened, his eyes grew wide, "It did!"
     Xue Yang, who was watching the interaction, smiled. He loved seeing his lover smile with his friends, they were all practically related, Wei was Xingchen's nephew and Jiang Cheng was Wei's brother.
       "They've been kicking since I complained to them about Xue Yang," Xingchen chuckled, "apparently Xue Yang is a bothersome to me AND the baby."
      "Hey! I'm very helpful, you just don't notice it," Xue Yang said causing everyone else to laugh.
     "You are, don't worry," Wei said.
      "Chengmei, I'm tired now. Can we go to sleep?" Xingchen suddenly said.
      "It's midday, why are you tired now?" Xue Yang asked.
       "I don't know, maybe the baby is making me tired," Xingchen said.
      "Alright, let's go then. Master Wei, Sect Leader Jiang, we will see you again soon," Xue Yang said before taking Xingchen's arm and taking him to their room.
     He laid down with Xingchen and they both soon fell asleep. They were sleeping peacefully until Xue Yang heard a whimper, he opened his eyes and saw that it was now nighttime, he turned and saw Xingchen sweating, "Xingchen," he said his voice hoarse from sleep, "Xingchen wake up."
Xingchen suddenly sat up, "Chengmei!"
Xue Yang sat up, "I'm here! What is it? Are you alright?" He asked grabbing onto Xingchen's shoulders.
Xingchen suddenly began to cry, "You-you're here r-right? This isn't a dream?"
Xue Yang pulled the sobbing man into a hug and whispered in his ear softly, "I'm right here, shh."
"What am I supposed to do without you?" Xingchen said between sobs, "That's what you said when I left isn't it?"
Xue Yang froze, "Yes...yes it was," he said, "how do you know?"
"I had a dream about you, you were drinking and crying. You said that and drank some more before passing out," Xingchen said calming down, "I began to feel as if someone stabbed my chest and hit my head against the floor."
"That's-that's exactly what I felt when you left, crying and alcohol really messes you up," Xue Yang chuckled humorlessly.
"I'm so sorry," Xingchen said, "I never should've left you all those times."
"It was only two times, don't get so worked up about it alright?" Xue Yang said comfortingly.
"Two times is a lot!" Xingchen said and laid back down with Xue Yang.
"No it's not, XingXing let's go to sleep alright. It's all in the past and we don't have to think about it," Xue Yang said softly. Xingchen nodded and pressed his face into Xue Yang's chest smelling the sweet scents.
"Alright," he mumbled and felt Xue Yang grab his hair, he whined but was hushed by his lover.
"Shh, it's alright. Stop fussing I'm only braiding your hair," Xue Yang whispered and Xingchen calmed down. He let the man do as he please and fell asleep with a smile of satisfaction on his face.
Xue Yang kissed the top of Xingchen's head and moved down to Xingchen's stomach, "Ever since you came along, we've had a lot of trouble," he whispered, "I still love you though."
He kissed the bump and began humming a sweet melody, it was a song that he had heard from a woman when he was younger. The woman had taken care of him for a while before she died and she would always sing a song to him. The song was very soft and sweet, it sounded like a person in sweet yet passionate love, someone who would do anything for their lover. Xue Yang always felt a connection with the song but never knew why, now he knew.
Xue Yang knew that he would do anything for Xingchen and incoming baby. Anything.

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