Chapter 23- Food

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"What do you mean I'm pregnant?! I'm a man!" Xingchen yelled.
"It's possible, very rare but very much possible. I have seen a few other males who have gotten pregnant, you are 4 weeks pregnant," the man said calmly, "now there are a few things to keep in mind whit pregnancy. For both male and female you need to be very careful, you can't be riding a sword often, you must avoid alcohol, eat a healthy and you will get strange cravings, get enough sleep, you can't go around picking fights, you have to be careful about your stress levels, don't do anything that can lead to you falling or overheating, don't take hot baths, and again be careful of any activities that you do."
"Bu-but how am I pregnant?" Xingchen asked still in shock.
"Same as how a woman gets pregnant, I don't think you need me to explain the process," the man said laughing.
"This is a dream, it has to be," Xue Yang said, he put his head on next to Xingchen's stomach and listened, he heard his lover's strong steady heartbeat, and then heard another small weak one. He sat up eyes wide, "Xingchen! There's another heartbeat there!"
"Really?!" Xingchen placed a hand on his stomach and felt a weak heartbeat, "I really am pregnant," he mumbled under his breath smiling.
"I will take my leave now, i anything else happens call me," the doctor said standing up.
"Wait! Was the baby affected because of the whips?" Xingchen asked.
"No, the baby is fine. If you took anymore whips then we would have a problem, but try not to get in trouble both of you." And with that the man left the room with Wangji who had been standing to the side quietly.
"XingXing, we're going to have a baby!" Xue Yang said smiling widely.
Xingchen smiled and caressed his stomach softly, "Baby, your father is excited to see you," he said.
Xue Yang leaned up and pressed a soft kiss against Xingchen's lips, "I love you Xingchen, so much," he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss on his lover's stomach, "and I love you too baby."
Xingchen smiled, "Xue Yang, you're going to be a wonderful father."
"And you're going to be a wonderful mother," Xue Yang said.
Xingchen turned a bright pink and pulled Xue Yang down, he hugged the man and rested his head on Xue Yang's shoulder. They stayed like that before Xingchen felt the sudden need to eat, "I'm hungry, can I have noodles?"
"Sure," Xue Yang said standing up, only to be pulled back down.
"Wait! Don't leave me, stay here," Xingchen whined.
"Don't you want noodles?"
"Not anymore, I want you to stay here," Xingchen pouted and hid his face in Xue Yang's chest.
Xue Yang chuckled, "I never knew being 4 weeks pregnant would make you childish."
     "I'm not childish, you're just mean," Xingchen said, "if you hate me that much then leave."
     "Relax, I don't hate you at all," Xue Yang said, "and I'm not leaving."
      "Good, you passed the test," Xingchen said drowsily, "I hope this baby doesn't turn out like you."
     "Hey! It's a great thing being me," Xue Yang said smiling.
      "Did I offend you?" Xingchen said.
     "No, you hurt me!" Xue Yang said fake sadly and smirked, he softly pushed Xingchen away as if he was mad.
      "No! Don't leave, please!" Xingchen said finding Xue Yang's arm and hugging it tightly, "I won't do anything, or say anything, I promise!"
      "Fine, I won't leave," Xue Yang said his face softening, "I will never leave you XingXing, or the baby. I promise."
     Those were the last words Xingchen heard before smiling and at last falling asleep.

     Xingchen woke up feeling as if he hadn't eaten in days, he sat up and shook Xue Yang who was sleeping beside him, "Xue Yang, Xue Yang! Wake up, I'm hungry!"
     Xue Yang opened his eyes and looked up at Xingchen, "Yes XingXing? Do you need something?"
"I'm hungry," Xingchen said pouting a bit.
"Alright, what do you want?" Xue Yang asked smiling at the cute man.
"I want spicy noodles," he said smiling, "but really, really spicy."
"Is that healthy for the baby?" Xue Yang asked.
Xingchen honestly didn't know, "Yes it's fine."
Xue Yang narrowed his eyes at the man before nodding, "Alright let's go."
They were walking outside and met Wangji, "Hanguang Jun," Xue Yang said bowing, Xingchen bowed at the name as well.
"Where are you two going?" Wangji asked.
"We're going to get food," Xingchen said smiling.
Wangji nodded, "Alright, follow me." He walked away and Xingchen and Xue Yang followed, they were about to enter a room when they were stopped by a voice.
"Jiang Cheng! Stop!" It was Wei's voice, he was running to catch up to the man in purple who was walking fast towards them.
"You!" Jiang Cheng said drawing his sword, he was aiming at Xue Yang but the man didn't know. Xue Yang stepped sideways to cover Xingchen but ended up dodging the blow that was meant for him.
"Jiang Cheng stop it!" Wei yelled and grabbed onto the man's shoulders. Jiang Cheng shrugged him off and attacked again only to be blocked by another sword. It was Xingchen, he had stepped in front of Xue Yang and blocked the hit, he moved both swords down and kicked Jiang Cheng away.
Xue Yang was shocked, he had never seen Xingchen look so mad before, "Xingchen, are you alright?" He asked cautiously.
"No! I'm hungry and I want food, but we just had to get stopped right before I got to eat didn't we?! Of course we did!" Xingchen yelled.
Everyone took a step back from the angry man except for Xue Yang, "Xingchen, we are going to get food. I promise, let's just settle this really quickly and then eat alright?"
"No, we are settling it over food, let's go."
"Alright," Xue Yang grabbed Xingchen's arm and they walked into the room, it was a small kitchen. Xue Yang went to get the supplies from a small cabinet and began making the spicy noddles that Xingchen had asked for.
He finished and served the noodles, he gave the bowl to Xingchen who immediately began eating. "Xue Yang," he said around the food, "you are better at cooking than me."
"No I'm not, you're way better than me," Xue Yang said sitting down next to Xingchen.
"Maybe I am," Xingchen said smiling. He ate the food and was full after eating around two bowls.
"Uncle, why have you been acting so strangely the past few weeks? A few minutes ago you usually would've been calm and tried to calm everyone else down, but you got really mad instead." Wei said truthfully.
"Are you saying that I'm moody?" Xingchen asked almost threateningly.
"N-no you're not! You just changed, that's all."
Xingchen sighed, "I'm sorry, that wasn't really responsible of me was it?"
"XingXing, it isn't your fault and you know it," Xue Yang said comfortingly.
"A-Xian, Sect Leader Jiang, I apologize. But the reason behind my behavior is because I am pregnant," Xingchen said mustering all the courage the had left.
"You're what?" Wei said not believing it.
"Huh?" Jiang Cheng said at the same time.

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