Chapter 6- Noodles

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Xingchen woke up to someone shaking his shoulder, he sat up slowly, "What is it?"
"Little blind doesn't know how to cook and I don't want to burn the whole place down, can you make some food for us?" It was a-Yang.
    Xingchen smiled, "Sure, I'll be there in a few minutes," he said before standing up and stretching a bit.
    A-Yang nodded and left Xingchen alone. The man stretched and left the scene, heading towards the kitchen. He walked to the small cabinet and felt around for food, "What do you want to eat?" He asked.
    A-Qing sat at the table alongside Xue Yang, "Uh noddles!" She said excitedly, Xingchen's noodles were always the best.
     "Alright, you too a-Yang?" Xingchen asked getting the noodles out.
     "Yeah," the man responded and laid his head down on the table. Xingchen nodded and stared to prepare the noodles, they were easy to make so he had no trouble making them blind or not.
    The noodles were soon finished and he began to serve them. Xue Yang walked up to him and helped serve the noodles, "By the way, how did you sleep?" He asked next to Xingchen's ear.
    Xingchen shivered at the hot breath on his ear, "I-I slept fine thank you," he stammered. Xue Yang smirked and took a bowl of noodles to the table to eat, leaving a very flustered Xingchen behind.
    "A-Qing here," Xingchen said and picked up the bowl, he turned to the girl and carefully handed it to her.
    "Thank you," she said before sitting down and eating her noodles. Xue Yang was eating when he saw Xingchen caress his stomach.
    "Xingchen," he said, "are you hungry?"
     The said man looked up at him and shook his head, "Don't worry about it, I can just make a few more noodles."
    "Come sit down," Xue Yang said, it sounded more like an order than a suggestion.
     Xingchen walked over to the table and was pulled down by the man in black, he let out a small gasp and felt something against his lips.
    "Open your mouth," Xue Yang said.
    "Why?" Xingchen asked cautious and confused.
     "Just do it, I won't hurt you," Xue Yang said and Xingchen finally opened his mouth and felt something in mouth, he closed his mouth and tasted the savory taste of noodles.
     He chewed the food and swallowed it with a smile, Xue Yang ate a bit before feeding Xingchen some more. "A-Yang, you don't have to feed me," Xingchen said smiling softly.
     "No it's alright, it doesn't bother me," Xue Yang said sweetly. Xingchen smiled and nodded taking another bite of the noodles.

     They finished eating and Xingchen went out for a walk yet again. Xue Yang saw this and quickly followed the man, "Xingchen!" He called, "Wait for me!"
     Xingchen stopped in his tracks and turned his head, "A-Yang? What is it?"
      Xue Yang ran to the man and smiled, "Where are you going?" 
     "Just for a walk," Xingchen said casually, he acted calm but in reality he felt his heart beat faster, almost as if it were to beat out of his chest.
     "Again? Well I should probably leave you then, I can take care of little blind while you're gone. We left her alone last time," Xue Yang said, he began to back away when he felt a hand grab his arm. He looked at the man, "Yes?"
     Xingchen let go of his arm, "Uh nothing! Just don't get into an argument with her," he said.
    "Fine, if that's all then I'll leave," Xue Yang said before walking away. He was confused as to why Xingchen was acting this way, he never acted like this even with Song Lan. He pondered for a while more before finally seeing a-Qing.
     A-Qing was a very feisty girl, she always has been, but ever since she saw Xue Yang she knew there was something wrong with him. Xue Yang was well aware that the girl was suspicious of him but didn't pay any mind to her, how could a young girl like a-Qing every hurt him.
    Xue Yang smirked when he thought of hurting her, how I would love to just rip her head off. He laid down besides a building and rested his head on the wall behind him, when will I these wounds heal, they're starting to get annoying.
A-Qing skipped over to the man and put a hand out, "Do you have candy?" She asked.
"Maybe, maybe not," Xue Yang responded with a smirk.
"Well if you do, I want some!" The girl demanded.
"Fine, sit down and I'll give you some," Xue Yang said. The girl obeyed and sat down in front of Xue Yang, she put her hand out again and Xue Yang placed two small candies in her hand. "There, that's all I'm giving you for today so don't ask for more."
The girl huffed, "Fine, I wasn't going to ask for more anyways."
"Sure you weren't," Xue Yang said before standing up, "do you want more noodles? I saw Xingchen make them and learned."
"I'm sure you make terrible noddles but go ahead," a-Qing said.
"Hey! I am a wonderful cook, never underestimate my skills," Xue Yang said before walking away and making more noodles.

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