Chapter 4: To The Capital

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Months had passed since the two boys had started their training and it was time for the two of them to head off to the capital to take the Magic Knights Entrance Exam. As  the two of them finished packing, they started to head out for their long journey. The other kids wished them good luck. Nash spoke to Asta, "So, you're really going to do it, huh?" Asta replied, "Yeah, just watch me! I'll be the Wizard King in no time and I'm gonna change things. I always told you that it's important to follow you're dreams, didn't I? Well, this is my dream." Nash said, "Well, I still think that you're dream's pretty stupid. There's no way they'll let a commoner into the Magic Knights. But, if by some miracle you do get in, then I'll start believing that dreams can come true." Asta smiled, "You betcha. I'll write as soon as I get into the Magic Knights." Father Orsi said, "I wish the two of you the best of luck. Remember to come visit whenever you two have the chance. You're both always welcome here." Yuno replied, "Thank you Father. We'll make you proud of us." The two boys waved good-bye to their family as they began their long journey.

Asta jumped in the air, "Alright, it's really happening! We're going to the capital to join the Magic Knights! How awesome is this, Yuno?" Yuno replied, "Very, I guess." Asta growled at him, "Dammit Yuno! Just drop the super cool act already. There's no one here but us, so you're not going to impress anyone by acting all cool and stuff." Yuno said, "I have no idea what you mean." Asta groaned, "The fact that you're not acting cool on purpose just makes it that much worse. Damn you!" The two of them continued to walk on the long road. After a few hours had passed, Asta took out a flask and started drinking from it. He motioned to give some to Yuno, who accepted with a slight blush on his cheeks. As he drank some of it, he coughed it up in disgust and threw away the flask, but Asta managed to catch it before it hit the ground. Yuno yelled, "What the hell is that? It's disgusting!" Asta yelled back at him, "Hey, this is my mogoro leaf juice that I brought with us! Don't throw it away!" Yuno asked, "Why do you still drink that stuff? You already know that it doesn't actually work, right?" Asta frowned, "I don't know. I kinda got a taste for it." Yuno chuckled slightly with a blush on his cheeks, "You're absolutely ridiculous." Asta complained about Yuno making fun of him as they continued their journey.

The two boys decided to rest for the night and set up camp. Asta had managed to hunt down a pig and the two of them were cooking it to eat for dinner. Yuno had finished cooking the pig and started serving it on the plates that they had brought with them. Asta ate it quickly while Yuno continued to slowly eat it. As Yuno continued to eat, Asta started training. Yuno looked at him, "You shouldn't start training right after you eat." Asta asked, "Why would you say thaaaaaa?!" Asta began hurling up the food that he had just eaten. Yuno groaned in disgust and handed Asta his plate and what was left of his dinner, "Here, you can have this. I just lost my appetite." Asta smiled, "Really? Thanks!" Asta started scarfing down all the food that Yuno had given him. Once they were getting ready for bed, they laid out the blankets that they had prepared beforehand. Yuno had fallen asleep peacefully when he suddenly felt something on him. He opened his eyes and looked down to see that Asta had rolled to him and had an arm draped over him. Yuno blushed brightly and whispered, "Asta. Asta. Wake up." Asta merely groaned, not waking up. Instead, he just started holding Yuno tighter. Yuno was spent hours trying to get Asta off of him, but failed to even get him to loosen his grip. Instead, he accepted his fate and gave Asta a quick kiss on the forehead before falling asleep. However, he failed to get any sleep due to his embarrassment of having Asta hug him. The next morning, Asta looked at his friend, "Man, you look terrible. Guess you didn't get a good night's sleep. You need to get used to sleeping outside fast or your going to have a bad time the rest of our journey." Yuno sighed, "It's you're fault." Asta turned to him, "What did you say?" Yuno shook his head, "Nothing." Asta simply returned to walking and forgot about their conversation. Unfortunately for Yuno, Asta continued to hug him every night for the rest of their journey.

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