Chapter 7: Secrets

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Asta yelled as he followed Magna around the base. He looked in amazement as he was shown the different areas of the Black Bulls' base. As they were running, Magna suddenly stopped. Asta followed suit and saw a silver haired girl standing in front of them. Asta asked, "Uh, who's this?" Magna smiled, "Oh, this is Noelle. She's another newbie like you." Asta smiled and thought, 'Another newbie like me. That's great!' Asta held out his hand for her to shake, "Hi, I'm Asta. Let's get along, okay?" Noelle scoffed, "Why the hell should I get along with an insect like you?!" Asta was shocked at her statement. Noelle threw back her hair, "How dare you think of us as equals. I'm a member of the royal Silva clan." Asta gasped, 'Woah. I royal?!' He bowed down to her, "Forgive this tiny insect who didn't who he was talking to." Noelle said, "As long as you understand." Asta thought for a moment, "Hey...who the hell are you calling an insect?! The two of us are equals in this order!! You being royalty doesn't matter in the least!!" Magna yelled, "That's right Asta, you tell her!" 

Noelle exhaled, "Foolish, low born, are words too difficult for you to understand? Then I'll make you understand with the overwhelming difference in magic power." Asta tensed up as a water attack was aimed at him, but missed and hit Magna instead. Magna shivered, "You little bitch. You'll pay for that." Noelle paused for a moment before replying, "You happened to be standing in the wrong spot. Who said you could stand there?" Magna yelled, "Bitch, I'm higher ranked than you are!! I don't care if you are royalty or the sister of the Captain of the Silver Eagles! The only reason you're here is because of Yami's good graces!!" Noelle took off her Black Bulls robe and threw it on the floor, "I want nothing to do with this squad." Magna yelled at her as she walked away. 

The tour of the base continued and ended when Magna showed Asta to his room. Asta cried at the fact that he finally had his own room. He began to clean it up. Magna chuckled and left him alone. After a few minutes of cleaning, Asta sat down with his grimoire and tried to activate his spell. This time, the weapon that he wanted came out. Asta hummed to himself, "Huh, so when I'm alone, I can use it just fine. But the message said I can't use it in front of strangers. Doesn't that make this totally useless?!" Asta groaned as he fell back. Suddenly, his grimoire changed the page and lit up. Asta looked at the page and found a new message.

Hey Asta,

It's me, your pops. I figured that you'd probably be upset about not being able to use your magic freely. Sorry, but it's for your own good. But don't worry. As you grow stronger, you'll be able to use the treasure whenever you want. Good luck and never give up.


Your dad

Asta reread the message to make sure that he was right. He stood up, "Alright. Looks like I just have to train like crazy. And then I'll be able to use my magic whenever I want. Starting tomorrow, it's super training time!!" A few minutes later, he collapsed into bed and fell asleep.

Asta groaned as he wandered outside the base. He was trying to find the bathroom, but failed to do so. He heard a sound and was suddenly hit with a large water attack. He regained his footing and looked to see that Noelle was standing in front a bunch of craters and a tree with a target painted on it. She seemed to be upset about something as she launched another attack, but it seemed to go out of control.

In the base, several of the Black Bulls noticed the swell of magic and went outside to watch as the water surrounded Noelle. Yami said, "She's lost control of her magic. If we suppress it with a magic attack, the girl inside might die. If we had someone who could nullify magic, then... Oh yeah." Asta came flying at him at that moment. Yami caught him, "You flew out just as I was thinking of you. Go do something about that." Asta panicked, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, how am I supposed to do that? I can't fly up there! Wait." Yami started amplifying his arm's strength with magic, "Now is the time to push past your limits." He threw the boy to the water bubble. Asta barely had enough time to pull out his anti-magic sword to cut through the bubble. 

As the bubble disappears, the two of them start falling. Before they hit the ground, a portal opens and saves them. Asta stood up, "I'm alive!! Thank you space magic! Thank you Finral!!" He ran up to hug the mage. Finral chuckled nervously, "Uh, it's fine. It was nothing, really." Yami laughed, "Nicely done kid!" Asta thanked him before turning to Noelle, "Hey, that's some amazing magic power that you have there!! I can't control my magic at all, so I'm the same. If we both train to the point where we can control it, we can both be awesome. But there's no way that I'll lose to you." The other Black Bulls came and supported Noelle. Asta held out his hand for Noelle to take. She took his hand and slowly stood up.

Sorry for the long wait. Thank you for continuing to read this story.

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