Chapter 6: The Worst Magic Knights Squad

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After the exam is done, Asta runs straight to the bathroom, "Damn, I was so nervous, I held it in. Now I gotta go real bad." The other examinees moved out of his way. Once he reached the toilets, Sekke followed him in. Sekke cast a cursed bronze lizard and as about to curse Asta, but Yuno stops him. Yuno said, "I won't let you hurt Asta. You aren't worth competing against him." Sekke laughed nervously, " I was just planning on playing a little prank on Asta before we start, a little farewell joke. Well, bye! Ha-ha!" Sekke ran out of the bathroom and Yuno hid behind a stone wall as Asta came out. 

Asta ran up to meet up with Captain Yami and Finral. Yami was angry over how long Asta took and grabbed his face, "You kept me waiting. Just how big was your dump?" Asta began describing it,  leading to Yami grabbing his face again and nearly squishing it. Finral said, "Um, Captain Yami, mind hurrying it up. Keeping a portal like this open for this long is hard." Yami glared at him, "Are you telling me what to do? Push past your limits and keep it open." Finral groaned in annoyance as Yami threw Asta through the portal and walked through. Asta stood up, "Woah, that was cool!" Yami said, "Yeah, Finral's pretty handy. But you'll have to learn how to get around on your own. You can't fly, so you have to think of another way. Oh, right, you don't have any magic!" Asta groaned as they enter the Black Bull's base in front of them. Asta stepped in and introduced himself, "I'm Asta from Hage village!! I'll be part of the Black Bulls from now on!!" His introduction was totally ignored as the others were causing complete chaos. Yami yells at them and smashes the wall, "Will you bastards stop breaking everything?!" Asta cringed, "Way to lead by example." The Black Bulls began clamoring around Yami, who told them to sit down. Finral began the introductions of the other members. Once they were done, Asta redid his introduction, "I'm Asta from Hage village! I'll be part of the Black Bulls from now on!" Vanessa got up to him, "So, Hage village, huh? That's in the boonies. You must've worked hard to get into the Magic Knights. Maybe you'd like a little reward." Asta blushed deeply, "I'm sorry but I don't swing that way!" Vanessa then started throwing up. Magna got up in his face, "Hage village? That's really out there. You really think that you're worthy of wearing the Black Bull's robe?!" Asta smiled brightly, "I want it!! Gimme, gimme, gimme!!!" Magna chuckled, "Looks like you really want it. Well, then you'll have to go through you're baptism!" Asta was confused. The Black Bulls headed outside. Magna went to one of the yard and Asta went to the other side. Magna explained, "Alright. Here's what's going down. I'll launch an attack at you and you have to make sure it doesn't hit you. You can dodge or block it. It doesn't matter. Just do it." Asta nodded in understanding. He took out his grimoire and saw that he still wasn't able to access any of the treasures. He decided to take out the anti-magic sword that he had. Magna launched a fireball attack at Asta. That was when Asta realized that he wouldn't be able to cut through the attack because it would still hit him. However, his body hadn't given up and he moved the sword sideways so that the attack ended up being reflected back at Magna. Asta was amazed by what he had done and terrified at the thought of having just attacked Magna. Magna stood up, "You bastard. You sure got some nerve. Reflecting my own attack back at me. If I hadn't launched a fireball in time, I might've been knocked out by my own attack. Man... that was freaking awesome!! That's some magic you've got there." The other Black Bulls began praising Asta. Asta chuckled nervously, "Actually, that true is I can't actually use my magic power." Magna said, "Are you kidding me?! That makes you even more of a man! Here you go Asta." Magna handed him a Black Bulls robe. Asta put it one happily. Vanessa said, "Just one more thing." She then used her Thread Magic to make a Black Bulls emblem on Asta's headband. The Black Bulls congratulated him on becoming an official member. Nearby, in a tree, a silver haired girl glared at Asta and called him an insect.

Asta Of Relics & Beastsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें