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ONCE THEY LANDED IN DALLAS, they separated into teams. JJ and Derek went to the crime scene while Hotch and Rossi went to the station to meet up with the lead detective and Alex, Spencer, and Mitchell went to the hospital to talk to some of the witnesses.

Mitchell sat in the car, staring out the window. While she wanted to focus on case, her mind kept going back to the letter in her bag.

More importantly, how did her sister know where she worked? Especially since she's only been at this job for only a few weeks.

Soon they arrived at the hospital. The trio went to visit Brooke, a girl who was talking to the first victim moments before he was shot. She had tripped while diving for cover and sprained her ankle pretty badly, hence why she ended up in the hospital.

"I already told the other agents everything I remembered." Brooke told the three of them, her arms wrapped around herself to bring her comfort,

"I understand." Blake nodded, "But sometimes details come back to people hours or even days after the event."

"Brooke, if you wouldn't mind, try closing your eyes and just listening to my voice." 

Mitchell knew this trick. Spencer had performed it on her years ago during her case with her sister.

Her evil twin sister. Who's letter was still in Mitchell's bag, unopened.

Mitchell shook the thoughts away and focused on Brooke's face. She had closed her eyes, waiting for Spencer to speak,

"You're walking across the Plaza. How does it feel outside?" He asked,

"It's really nice. Warm, but not too hot." Brooke answered,

"All right. Where are you going?" He continued,

Mitchell leaned over to speak to Brooke's friend Casey quietly, "I want you to close your eyes and listen, too. Maybe you can remember something?"

The darker-skinned girl nodded before closing her eyes. Mitchell stood up straight again and caught Blake's eye. She gave the older woman and nod before crossing her arms,

"To get burgers with Casey." Brooke replied, "I'm annoyed."

"Why?" Spencer asked calmly,

"'Cause Casey's bugging me. But then I see Axel." The blonde girl stated,

"What happens next?"

"I walk up and say hi. And then..." Brooke went quiet and started to shake. Mitchell took a step forward to comfort her when Spencer held his arm out, stopping her,

"What do you see?"

Brooke flinched and opened her eyes. Mitchell looked into them and it reminded her of a deer caught in headlights, "No, I'm sorry. I can't do this."

Mitchell moved Spencer's arms and reached forward to grab her hand, " All right, it's all right. We'll stop." She looked back at Spencer and narrowed her eyes at him,

"I saw him dead. It was awful." Brooke began to panic and Mitchell wrapped her arms around the blonde, 

"You're ok. You're safe." Mitchell whispered, stroking the blonde's hair,

A doctor came and took Spencer away to speak with him in private. They stood there for a few moments in silence, Mitchell comforting Brook and Alex standing there awkwardly until Casey spoke up,

"I saw him. I didn't remember until your partner was talking to Brooke."

"Who did you see?" Alex asked,

Casey put her glasses on, "There was a guy in a window up high."

"What did he look like?" Blake continued,

"He was white and bald, but it was far away and just for a second and then he disappeared. It could have been the shooter, right?" Casey asked,

Spencer came back and motioned to the two Agents, meaning he had to talk to them,

"Excuse us." Blake walked away and Mitchell gave Brooke one last squeeze before following, "What happened?" The older woman asked,

"Kyle Yates, the sixth victim, just died."

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