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Mitchell walked through the front door at seven after studying/party planning at Rachel's house. She found her parents in the living room, watching the news. It was a story about the two deaths that have occurred in the past two weeks.

The Hispanic girl sat down on the chair, listening to the news anchor talk. After reading the book that the stranger recommended earlier, she became a lot more interested in this case. Mitchell grabbed her notebook from her backpack and opened to the last page before writing the names of the victims.

She began writing things down that she remembered from the book. Victimology. She stared at the two victims, seeing nothing in common. One was a slightly overweight white older male while the other was a dark-skinned woman in her late forties. Mitchell frowned, this wasn't going to be as easy as she thought.

Her mother turned off the television and cleared her throat, "How about we have some dinner."

The three sat down at the dining room table, eating some pasta that Mitchell's mother quickly made, "So, what do you want to do for your birthday tomorrow?"

Mitchell finished chewing her pasta, "Just go out to dinner with you guys. Is it okay if I spend the night at Rachel's on Saturday? I'm doing a birthday thing with her then."

"Yes, that's fine. Just don't party too hard, conejito. Be safe."

"Of course, mama. We're just inviting a few friends over. Nothing too big." Mitchell replied.

Her step-father leaned towards her mother, "That's code for throwing a rager."

"A rager?" Mitchell smiled, standing up to rinse her plate off, "The 90s called, they want their terminology back."

Mitchell grabbed her bag and quickly went upstairs, missing the part where the news anchor informed the audience that the FBI was getting involved.

She sat upstairs in her room, searching the victims on her computer. The woman, Margaret Fadler, worked for social services while the man, Hal Greensworth, used to be a police officer in D.C. Mitchell furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, these people didn't even know each other, didn't relate in any way. 

Were they just victims of opportunity? Or did this killer have a bigger agenda?

Her step-father stated that they could be robberies. But what kind of robber burns the house down after killing the victim? Is it a forensic countermeasure? Or to keep the police from seeing what was stolen? Or was it a robbery at all?

Mitchell went to sleep with more questions on her mind about what was happening in Norfolk, Virginia. 

She was just glad that the killer wasn't in her city. Then she would be afraid.

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