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Mitchell sat up in her bed, smiling at her mother as she entered her room. Her mother sat on the bed, kissing her adopted daughter's forehead, "Hurry up and get ready. We have breakfast downstairs."

"Gracias, mama." Mitch smiled, "I'll be down in a few minutes."

Her mother stroked her hair once before leaving the room, shutting the door behind her. Mitchell quickly got up and grabbed a floral dress from her closet and slipped it on before going into her bathroom. She quickly brushed her teeth and her hair, applying a small amount of makeup before putting on sandals and going downstairs.

Her parents sang her a happy birthday and her step-father placed a plate with waffles, bacon, hashbrowns, and toast in front of her.

"Happy birthday, hun." Her step-father kissed the top of her hair.

As she was eating her breakfast, the news came on the tv from the living room. It was breaking news. There was another murder. And it occurred in Richmond.

Mitchell desperately wanted to go see who it was, to make sure she didn't know the victim. But it was her birthday. She did want that getting her down.

Once she was finished, Mitchell grabbed her bag and gave her parents a hug before leaving for school. She made her way to her locker and taped on it was birthday messages and photos from her friends. The Hispanic girl smiled as she opened her locker and balloons came floating out, "How does it feel to be 18?" Daniel smirked from behind her. 

Mitchell turned to face him and wrapped her arms around his waist, "Amazing." She replied, leaning towards him to kiss him. Just as their lips met, Rachel came over,

"Happy birthday!" Mitchell separated from Daniel and hugged Rachel,

"Thank you." She said to her friend, "I really appreciate it."

"Well, save the thank yous for this." Rachel handed her a wrapped box. She urged for Mitchell to open it and the Hispanic girl did. Inside the box was a scrapbook. On the front was a photo of the two when they were ten. 

Mitchell smiled at her, "Oh, Rach." She flipped through the pages, looking through all their photos. Their tea parties, dress ups, birthdays, cheerleading, homecoming, and prom, "This must have taken forever."

"A while." Rachel shrugged, "Anything for my sister."

"I love it." Mitchell hugged her again, "It's great." She placed it carefully in her locker, making a mental note to grab it before going home later.

Daniel wrapped his arm around her shoulders as they made their way to their first class of the day, "No way to convince you to skip, is there?"

Mitchell laughed and wrapped her arm around his waist, "Doubt it."

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