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Rossi stood by the door, only there to give her reassurance. She sat down at a table and Dr. Reid sat across from her, ready to perform the interview.

"This might be difficult." Dr. Reid stated, "You were young when the event occurred, meaning what might be recalled, might not be accurate."

Mitchell looked back at Rossi before making eye contact with Dr. Reid, "It's worth a shot though, isn't it?"

"Well, of course." 

"Then let's get stepping, Doctor." Mitchell sighed,

"Okay." His tongue poked out to run over his bottom lip and Mitchell got distracted for a second. She shook her head and he instructed her to close her eyes.

"You were five years old. Living in Fredericksburg, Virginia. You live in a cozy house in a large neighbourhood, you have to share a room with your sister, Camille. Can you see it?"

Mitchell nodded, being able to picture the house from the photo Rossi showed her the day before, "Yeah, yeah, I see it."

"Can you tell me about your family?" Dr. Reid asked,

Mitchell had a small smile on her face as she was able to picture it, "My mom was beautiful. I wanted to look just like her when I grew up."

"Do you?" He asked,

Mitchell shrugged, "A little. Everyone used to say I had her face. But I never saw it."

"Tell me about Camille."

Mitchell's hands began to shake and Dr. Reid reached forward to grab them gently, "You're okay, Mitch. She can't hurt you. Not here. You're in control."

"She's... scary."

"What do you mean by that?" Dr. Reid questioned,

"She likes to turn on the stove and just... watch the flames. Sometimes she'd throw bugs into them. She'd laugh."

"What else would she do?"

"I was playing with this girl at recess. And Cammie got mad. She pulled on her hair and told her to stay away from me." Mitchell stated, her voice shaking.

"Mitchell... this is going to be hard, but can you tell me about the fire? What happened?"

She took in a shaky breath. She could see it just like how it had happened that day, "My parents... they were arguing." Mitchell stated,

"Okay, good. What were they arguing about?" Spencer asked, running his thumb over the back of Mitchell's hand,

"I don't know. Cammie and I got out of bed to see what they were yelling about. We snuck out of our room and leaned against the wall by their door to hear better."

"And can you?"

"Yeah." She paused for a moment, "They.... they're talking about Cammie. How she's... different. Crazy. Dangerous. They're talking about sending her to a military school."

"Do you want to keep dealing with her antics? She keeps hurting people and soon, she's gonna hurt Mitchell. Maybe even us. I don't want to be responsible for that. She needs an intervention." Her mother hissed at her father.

"Maybe she'll grow out of it." Her father argued,

"She lit a caterpillar on fire yesterday, Miguel. And then laughed about it! It's only a matter of time before she does some real damage."

"Camille was angry." Mitchell continued, "We went back to our room before my parents found us." Her breathing quickened,

"They can't separate us. They can't do that." Camille paced angrily, "Doing that to twins is like... ripping a soul apart. We can't survive without each other."

"She kept saying we couldn't be separated." Mitchell mumbled, "They can't do that to twins."

"What else did she say?" Dr. Reid asked,

"She'd take care of it."

"Don't worry. I have a plan."

"And did she?"

Mitchell bit her lip and could feel tears stinging behind her closed eyes, "There was so much blood."

"Reid-" Rossi began,

"No!" Mitchell exclaimed, clutching Dr. Reid's hands, "I can do this. I can do it."

Rossi took a step back, watching her closely as Reid coaxed her back into it, "Where's the blood, Mitchell?"

"In my parent's room... I can't find them. I don't know where they are."

"Momma? Papa?" Five-year-old Mitchell stepped into the bedroom and followed the blood trail. She found them by the bed. Blood leaking from their chests, the house phone laying on the ground,

"Mitchell." Her mother gasped, "Run, baby."

With a scream, Mitchell ran from the room and into the bedroom, slamming the door close.

"Mitchieee." Her sister sang, "I took care of it, just like I told you. No one can separate us. Ever."

Mitchell sat under the window as the smoke detectors within the house went off. She pressed her hands against her ears, trying to block out the noise, "No, no, no." She cried.

The window opened and arms wrapped around her small body and dragged her outside, "You're okay, honey, you're okay." A police officer told her as they ran across the street.

"That man." Mitchell whispered, opening her eyes to meet Spencer Reid's caramel ones, "He was the man who died. Cammie killed him."

Mitchell let out a sob, taking her hands out of the doctor's and covered her mouth, "Oh, my god."

Rossi walked over and wrapped his arms around her, "It's all over now, Mitchell."

She pulled away and shook her head, "It's not over until she's behind bars."

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