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AN: The above picture is an edit but I was unable to trace the editor. I do apologise for using it without crediting the creator. All media used in this fanfic do not belong to me and full credit goes to the creators. It will be removed if the creator so desires.


I stood at the window seat and watched Seokjin in the garden below. It was the fourth day after I first met him that I watched him go to the garden at the back. He seemed to be partial to the roses. He would always lean over and smell them before watering the garden generously.

"I hope that view is worth you missing your date with what's her face," the voice of my annoying sister, Yerim whined behind me.

I groaned and turned to face her reluctantly.

"It's definitely way better than looking at your sour face," I counted.

She scoffed at me. "Don't be such a dick Gukkie. I know you don't want to date Chungha. You could at least be kind to me though since I did do you a favour and made your excuses to her and of course to mother."

I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair in irritation as I watched her blow on her perfectly manicured nails.

"Thank you Yeri. And you're right, I'm sorry. I'm not ready for all their forced dates. Mother and father both know that I'm not really into women but what do we do about the monarchy then."

This was a real cause for concern with my parents. The fact that their son was bi, did not really bother them. It was more the fact that the country needed an heir for their monarchy to flourish.

Yerim sighed softly and came over to stand at the window. She peeped out at the object of my stalking and smiled gently.

"He's really handsome Gukkie. His name is Seokjin. He's from Daegu. And he has a six year old boy. He's perfectly lovely, except for two facts, well three actually. One, he's a man. Two, he has a son. And three, he's dirt poor and works for the monarchy. All, pretty good reasons for you to turn away from this window and forget about his existence," Yerim eyed me as she completed her list of 'all things I needed to know about my new eye candy'.

"You think I don't already know all those things about him? I'm not a complete idiot," I said, going to sit at my desk.

She shrugged her shoulders and made herself comfortable on my chaise lounge.

"What are you going to do then? Do you have a plan?"

"No," I simply stated, looking away from her and day dreaming about Seokjin.

"I might have a way for him to be your concubine."

"If I wanted that, don't you think I was capable of achieving that already?" I deadpanned. She just rolled her eyes at me.

"So what's the deal with him then? Don't tell me that you actually like him?"

I picked up my pen and twirled it with my fingers, deep in thought.

"Maybe I do," I simply stated, quietly.

She got up and paced the room dramatically.

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