Down by the creek

15 3 4

It was the warmest day
in the history of man
So said my daddy
and so said my gran

I spent the day fishing
down by the creek
Together with a friend
and her little dog, Zeke

But the fish was too lazy
to care 'bout the bait
That evening there wouldn't
be bass on my plate

«The dog is too noisy!
the fish get no peace!»
So said my uncle
and my know-it-all niece

So we took a short break
in soft grass we lay
I woke from my slumber
and heard someone say;

«Tomorrow will be cooler
just you wait and see»
So said my mum
and sweet aunt Marie

«You'll get such a catch
the biggest you've seen»
Chimed in my brother
and his girlfriend Irene

A/N: My submission for Poets Pub's annual "Biggest Competition Ever" Week 4 prompt; From the photo collage, choose one aspect of it and use it as inspiration to write a poem. 30 lines or less. Any style, any form.

My Poetry Contest Entries 2020Where stories live. Discover now