Thank you, St. Ramona High

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Fellow graduates, dearest friends
The time has finally come
Our freshman year a distant echo
Now look what we've become

We thank you, St. Ramona High
We thank you for your time
We thank you for the last four years
You have truly made us shine

We thank our parents and families
I thank my sister and my brother
But the greatest thanks we give today
Is the one we give each other

It was never about being best
Or the volume of our bookshelves
Instead it was about becoming
Better versions of ourselves

I thank our teachers Stan and Beth
I thank Cristopher and Dan
Thank you John and Carolyn
Thank you Sue and Mary-Anne

A heartfelt thanks to Jill and Fred
You really showed us all
That special needs are not a hindrance
To climb the steepest wall

This chapter is about to end
New pages will be written
As we set sail for new adventures
In Baltimore or Britain

We thank you, teachers, staff and Dean
Here at St. Ramona High
We thank you for your splendid guidance
As we bid you now goodbye

A/N: My submission for Poets Pub's annual "Biggest Competition Ever" Week 5 prompt;  Write a poem that would be used as a part of a valedictorian speech for high school graduation. 45 lines or less, any style, any form.

My Poetry Contest Entries 2020Where stories live. Discover now