The Sirens of New York

30 6 2

Their beautiful, alluring voices resonate

All the way from Brooklyn to Albany, upstate

Never before, was a finer symphony heard

By such glorious creatures;

Half woman, half bird

Like raving zombies, the masses draw closer

Moving as one, like a turbocharged dozer

Enthralled and bedazzled, they climb each floor

At the top of the staircase;

They crash through the door

Any resistence has now become futile

Their fate is sealed, and the endgame is brutal

One by one, off the rooftop they leap

The sirens ecstatic;

Proud of their feat


My submission for #Poets Pub's July Contest - Mythology - Wk 1-2

«Choose a creature from mythology and write a poem about it, existing in modern day».

Must be a creature, not human or a god.

Examples: pegasus, medusa, gorgon, sleipnir, cerberus, fenghuang. More common creatures; giants, harpies, valkyries, minotaurs etc. Can be from any mythos; greek, roman, norse etc.

My Poetry Contest Entries 2020Where stories live. Discover now