"The L word" (a haiku chain)

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This is my entry into "Wattpad Poetry's 2020 February Theme Challenge", titled "February is subtle": "Write a single poem (any style) about Love. There's an extra challenge to the theme - write about love without using the word Love (or variations thereof)."

"The L word" (a haiku chain)

The most wonderful,
Savage, unfiltered and raw,
Passion jails your heart

Cluttering the brain
Leaving it out of order
Giving it time off

A well deserved leave
Vacation time for the mind
Recharge the neurons

And when it returns
Everything's in shambles
Just as expected

Nights deprived of sleep
Heavily laden with tears
Disconsolate soul

Begging for relief
Missing boredom and thinking;
Time heals all ailments

As the pain abates
And life is halfway restored
One thing is certain;

This wonderful thing
Will soon show its vast powers
All over again


My Poetry Contest Entries 2020Where stories live. Discover now