Tribute to David Robert Jones

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Your unparalleled oddity
touched us in peculiar ways
You took us into distant space
to dance among the cosmic rays

With pure magnetic attraction
and the courage to stand out
The crowd became your union
we all remain devout

You were our biggest hero
and not just for one day
You still can make my eyes flood
with your voice and dance and sway

I was a guest on board your vibrant ship
now I must thank you for the trip!

A/N: My submission for week #3 of the Poets Pub's "Poet of the Year" contest 2020. The challenge was to write a poem using the following 7 words: Magnetic, Guest, Flood, Distant, Courage, Space, Union. Max 14 lines. The poem can be any subject.

My Poetry Contest Entries 2020Where stories live. Discover now