Religion found, religion lost

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Lyrically speaking - Poets Pub March 2020 Contest, weeks 3-4

Challenge: choose a specific song or piece of music of any genre. Listen to the song and write a free verse poem inspired by it. Any length.

"Religion found, religion lost"

(inspired by Losing my religion, by R.E.M.)

First there was the Lord, Jesus
Helping me through hardship
Comforting my tormented soul
In times of despair and forlorness

Then enter the mysterious Bhudda
Showing me the righteous path
To liberation of body and mind
And the ultimate prize, Nirvana

Until Muhammad came along
Guiding me to the only true route
Away from hellish punishment
Straight to paradisiac rewards

Followed by a journey through
The wondrous Hinduistic virtues
Of honesty, love, austerity and respect
Among humans and towards all beings

Before Judaism got my attention
Speaking of God's concern for us
And the belief that we, the people
Have the ability to love one another

One night I was even jolted
Out of sleep by the hammer of Thor
While Odin was hanging in mid-air
Commanding his unruly son home to Asgard

The next morning I was greeted
By his holiness, the Pope
Lecturing about the saints
Promising absolution for my sins

I was left with impossible choices
And unsurpassable dilemmas
Confusion and indecision enveloped me

And my religions were irrevocably lost


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