Chapter One: I Saw You Standing In The Rain

Start from the beginning

"Hi! Welcome," Crane said cheerfully. "Are you here for the Too Crazy to Love support group?"

Lena didn't know what to say. She was tempted to use a little of her French and feign an inability to speak English, but then she remembered what happened with Kara and she knew it was this or Arkham Asylum. It had only been a few weeks since they stopped talking, but it had taken a toll on Lena's psyche. She found her thoughts wandering to nefarious places, her rage and indignation taking over all her common sense and intelligence. She knew she had no choice.

"Yes. Sorry," Lena said, feeling a blush warm her cheeks. "I wasn't sure this was the place."

Lena hated feeling embarrassed. It annoyed her to feel so vulnerable.

"I totally understand. Ours is an interesting group, but I assure you this is a safe place. I'm Dr. Jonathan Crane," he said, stretching his hand to Lena with a friendly grin.

Lena took his hand and shook it.

Crane opened the door fully and waved Lena inside. Lena took a step over the threshold, moving past Crane who stood uncomfortably close to her to hold open the door.

"I'm Lena," she muttered as she passed Crane.

Lena had never seen so much brown on one man before. She walked toward the center of the room and took a seat on one of the folding chairs.

"Would you like some coffee or a donut?" Crane asked.

Lena shook her head.

"If you have some whisky over there, I'll definitely take that," Lena said, shutting down the exchange immediately. She folded her arms and sat back in a cautious posture, like a petulant child.

"I think we have a quorum. Why don't we get started? Does everyone want to find a seat?" Crane waved everyone over to the circle of chairs and took a seat himself. He pulled out a notebook from his leather satchel and beamed as everyone joined him.

Lena surveyed the other three group members and snickered.

"I feel like I might be slightly underdressed," she said, staring at the woman across from her dressed in the skintight catsuit, cowl, and claws.

The woman sitting to Lena's right had long blond hair pulled into two sloppy pigtails on the sides of her head. The left was dip dyed blue, and the other was a bright pink. She wore blue and red shorts, a red and white baseball tee and makeup to match. Instead of sitting flat on her seat, she squatted uncomfortably like she was about to pounce.

"Well, shucks, we don't judge. You're a little plain Jane, but that doesn't mean you're not hurting like the rest of us."

Lena chuckled to herself and shook her head.

The woman on Lena's left was an astonishing sight. Her hair was a blinding red, and she wore a green leotard made mostly of organic material. Her clothing seemed to come alive all around her, vines and leaves moving about her body to cover and protect her.

"We sirens need to own and protect our identities. You, however, seem careless with yours, Ms. Luthor," the redhead hissed as one of her vines made its way around Lena's chair.

"Leave her be, Ivy," the woman in the catsuit said with a feline hiss of warning."

Crane cleared his throat and shifted in his chair uncomfortably.

"Why don't we establish some basic ground rules before we get started with introductions."

"Somehow I don't think this group is very adept at following rules, myself included," Lena said, shaking her head.

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