-21- The Gusu Lan Clan

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-21- The Gusu Lan Clan

Another seven days passed, in which Cheng and Yibo searched unsuccessfully for the hiding place of the vampire group. They must have a permanent hiding place somewhere. They can't go around every night with new vampires and two hostages. Besides, they always stay close by. So Yibo knows they are here somewhere, just not where.

Unfortunately, Yibo was not able to reach Zhan again in his thoughts. He is not yet practiced in it and since Zhan is not there, he cannot teach him properly. Cheng explained to him that this is a mate thing and he can't contribute anything to it because he has no mate and doesn't know how to do it. And Zhan's mother is still in deep sleep.

Yanli is still chained in her dungeon and starving. Yibo kept strictly to give her nothing to eat. She tried to trick him and Cheng in every possible way to get them to release her. But the two knew that she was lying and after suffering for about five days as if in withdrawal, she is now mostly lying in her bed and sleeping.

In this night Yibo and Cheng were on the road again and searched the hiding place of the vampire group. But apart from three newly infected ones who they killed immediately, they found nothing. And they also heard similar things from the other clans. Yibo wondered how big this group is, leaving corpses and newly infected people everywhere?

He also wondered why they want Zhan's father to make blood mixtures for them if they prefer pure blood?

But at the moment that's probably only a minor issue. For two days, everyone has been worried about the Qin clan. No one has heard from them anymore. All they know at the moment is that the Qin Clan was attacked two nights ago. However, they didn't find any corpses, so they assume that they were able to flee. But, where to?

In between all the stress, Yibo's longing for Zhan is getting bigger and more unbearable with each passing day. Every morning when he returns to his hiding place after another unsuccessful search for Zhan and his father, he feels this longing within him. It scratches in him, it hurts. It is like starvation. It's like someone allows you to see and smell your favorite food for days and days, but you can only look at it while you are starving.

And in his case, he can't even see Zhan. But he can feel him, and that makes it even more unbearable for him. Because if he can feel him, then he wants to touch him, hold him and be held. But he can't do any of that, because he can only feel him deep inside himself. And what he feels with it frightens him very much.

More and more he feels that Zhan is getting weaker. With each passing day, he feels the increasingly weaker something inside of him that is clearly Zhan's power. How much longer? How much time will it take before he can see Zhan again?

Just before the sun rose, Yibo and Cheng returned to their hiding place. But this time when they returned, they were not only expected by Yanli. In front of the gate were many young and older men dressed in traditional white clothes. They carried swords on their backs and some even had bows and arrows with them.

One of the elders came out of the group, reached out his hand to Yibo and said: "It is nice that we finally meet. I am your uncle. We are the Gusu Lan Clan and we are here to help you."

Yibo greeted his uncle friendly and they all went down into the basement vault where Yanli, curious, raised her head in her dungeon to see who the visitors were. Yibo explained to his uncle why Yanli is locked up. And his uncle advised him to lock her up for three or four weeks to make sure she was really over her blood thirst.

After a long talk about what all happened and the confession that he could not go on without help, his uncle said that he would now take the lead. His uncle also told Yibo that from now on he will get special training from him, in close combat and sword fighting, so that he will be prepared against this blood drinking vampire group just in case.

When they finished their conversation, Yibo went to his room, lay down on his cot and thought about the fact that his first encounter with his uncle went very differently than he had expected. He thought it would be warmer, maybe they would have talked about Yibo's father and he would have asked Yibo what he remembered when his mother killed his father.

But all this obviously didn't interest his uncle. All he wanted to know was what the situation was like right now and what they had done so far to locate the group. Furthermore, he often reminded Yibo how little trained he is and how he is not really suited for hunting. Yibo would not go so far as to say it hurt him, but he didn't like the way his uncle talked to him either.

But what Yibo found very interesting was when his uncle explained to him that they also work with humans. They train humans to be fighters and they search during the day for clues about the vampire group and fight even in the front line. He also told Yibo that the Yunmeng Clan is also on their way here.

Yibo wondered how many there would be. Because the basement vault had already been overcrowded. Three more members or disciples, as Yibo calls them, from the Gusu Lan Clan will stay in his room. Yibo doesn't like the idea at all, because it means he can't really concentrate on his exercises to make contact with Zhan.

However, one of the disciples was not just anybody for Yibo. Because he experienced something amazing through his uncle. His father had been married before he met his mother. And in this first marriage a child was also born. A son! This means that this disciple is Yibo's big brother. Now he has two bigger brothers, Hai Kuan and this disciple. Even if Hai Kuan is only his stepbrother. But he has always seen him as a real brother.

Unfortunately his big brother Lan Wangji doesn't seem to be a very talkative guy and rather stared at him with an icy look. Yibo wondered what he was all about and whether the two of them would get along well one day. After all, they are brothers and look very much alike.

Lan Wangji is one of the disciples staying in his room. He watched him for some time now and wondered what he was thinking about. Yibo just didn't dare to ask him. Maybe that would be a bit too early to ask such questions.

When Yibo looked at the pictures of Zhan on his cell phone, his heart became heavy. He missed Zhan so much that it was unbearable for him.Suddenly Lan Wangji sat next to him, looked at Zhan's picture more closely and said, "Wow like my Wei Ying." Yibo stared at him confusedly and wondered what the hell he was talking about.

Lan Wangji cleared his throat and said, " My mate is Wei Ying. And he looks a lot like yours. Zhan is his name, right?"

Yibo nodded his head. "Yes, that's right."

"How long has he been your mate?"

"Since I was 8 months old and just made him so."

Suddenly, Lan Wangji grinned and said, "Wow you really must be my brother. You always knew exactly what you wanted too."

Yibo agreed and without realizing it, the two of them were deep in conversation about their mates. Wangji's mate would arrive soon, he belongs to the Yunmeng Clan. Normally he lives with Wangji in Gusu, but this one time Wei Ying wanted to follow with his family.

"We will help you so that you can have your mate back with you soon and he can teach you everything you need to know. I know that you are not doing so well at the moment. And if you need someone to talk to I'm here. As long as I am here, I will not only be a fighter to help clarify the situation, but also your big brother." Said Wangji.

"That's very kind of you, thank you. I hope we can bring this clan down quickly. They have been hanging around here for far too long." Yibo replied.

Yibo talked to his big brother for another half hour until he just got tired and had to sleep. And in this dream, he managed to reach Zhan again.

A/N: I'm not sure if I should leave it like this with Wangji and Wei Ying, or rewrite the chapter again. Mhhh... and I think and I think... 

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