-7- No message

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-7- No message

In the past three days, Yibo had neither heard anything from Zhan, nor had he responded to any of his messages. The only thing that happened was that a courier came to him three days ago in the evening, brought him a small box filled with the bottles, whose serum should help Yibo to have no more nightmares.

He drank it well in the last three days and actually had no nightmares, feeling more rested, awake, stronger than ever before. Sitting on his balcony that evening, looking up at the night sky and enjoying the cooler air, because it had been raining all day and even thunderstorms once, he decided to write another message to Zhan.

Yibo got his cell phone from the living room and wrote Zhan: "If you don't get in touch with me again tonight, I won't drink the serum or whatever it is, and I'll go through the forest and to the park again!" Then he put the phone in his pocket and hoped Zhan would finally get in touch with him.

Actually Yibo is not someone who clings and begs. But he couldn't stand this waiting anymore. He finally wanted to see Zhan again or at least hear his voice. How could Zhan sleep with him and then just forget him? No messages and that for three days!

After an hour, Yibo looked on his cell phone. He saw that Zhan had read the message. But why didn't he at least write him back or call him? Did Zhan suddenly not care about him? Did he just want to have some fun with Yibo and drop him?

Disappointed, Yibo went to his bedroom. Today he had to go to bed earlier, because in the morning he has to show up at the office at 9 am to pick up his paycheck from his boss. Usually his boss always sends him his paychecks, but since Yibo has an appointment in the city anyway, this time he's picking up his check himself.

Once again, his six-monthly visit to the doctor is coming up. Again a routine examination, as it takes place every half year. Afterwards, thanks to his father, he has to see a psychologist again. Because his father is confused about Yibo's recent behavior and believes that Yibo is on the verge of either freaking out or collapsing. He does not believe that Yibo feels better and feels good all of a sudden. He made an appointment with the psychologist for Yibo without being asked and now he has to keep the appointment.

As threatened, Yibo had not drunk the serum before he went to bed. He wanted to prove to Zhan that he was not just making empty threats. And should he have another nightmare, he would run through the forest to the park. He didn't care if there was a murderer waiting for him there to draw his blood. If so, then it's all Zhan's fault anyway!

Thanks to his anger, Yibo lay awake in his bed for half an hour, thinking of all the mean things he could say to Zhan. In his head, he went over exactly what he could say and how Zhan might react. Unfortunately, he doesn't really know Zhan at all and doesn't know if he reacts to anything and if so, how.

When Yibo finally fell asleep, he began to dream. He saw himself again as a 13-year-old on a bicycle. He saw him turning into his street and suddenly he heard a voice in his head: "Don't go home. You already know what will happen. How many times do you want to watch this? Turn around. Get on your bike and go to your favorite place. You still know it, don't you? Remember the cave. You hid all your treasures there. Isn't it time to go there again and see if everything is still there?"

His 13 year old self nodded, turned around on his bike and rode away. He rode to the old wood processing factory, past the long delivery belt and over to the rock face where his little cave is hidden behind a bush. He took the lamp off his bicycle handlebars, shone it on the entrance of the cave and went inside. And again he heard the voice: "Be careful, it is slippery."

"Who are you?" His 13-year-old self asked.

"I am a friend. You can trust me." The voice in his head replied.

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