-15- Regret

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-15- Regret

Yibo had been drinking and crying all evening, while his brother did not leave his side. Even though Hai Kuan is only his big stepbrother, he is probably the only one in his life who was always there for him when he needed him.

Since Yibo was completely drunk, he didn't even know when or how he got into bed. All he knew was that his brother left him at midnight and Yibo had promised him to go to bed right away. But instead, he stayed awake and emptied his liquor bottle.

When Yibo woke up with a bad headache, he was lying in his bed. He was even wearing pajamas and apparently he cleaned everything up, even in his drunken state. Because when he came into his living room, everything was clean. The empty liquor bottle was in the kitchen next to his garbage can, his glass was in the dishwasher, the table was wiped and his clothes that he had on yesterday were neatly folded up on his sofa in the living room.

But the more clear Yibo became in his mind, the more he realized that he could not have done all this. He was way too drunk and he wouldn't have cared.

So he picked up his cell phone and called the only person that came to his mind. "Zhan, I told you I never wanted to see you again. Stay away from me and never come to my apartment again without asking! If you want to do me a favor, find out how to undo this mate thing!"

"Yibo, I know this. And the only way to do that is if one of us dies."

"Well, you've lived 168 years, maybe..." He did not finish the sentence. Instead, he said, "Sorry, that went too far. Please try to find out if there is another way. And until you find something out, stay as far away from me and my apartment as possible. I mean it, I don't want to be with you. So respect that and don't ever invade my privacy again."

"Yibo, what did I ever do to you? Why are you doing this? Can't we at least talk about this normally?"

"No, Zhan. There is nothing left to talk about. I want my quiet and boring life back. I want nothing to do with you and your world. Goodbye." Yibo ended the conversation before Zhan could say anything more. His fear was too great that he would just give in and ask Zhan for forgiveness.

Yibo very much regretted the way he treated Zhan. But if he shows regret now, Zhan will not give up and keep coming back to him. And then he will never get his normal life back.

To convince himself that he is serious about forgetting Zhan, he deleted the two pictures from his cell phone. The bad picture, and the picture that Zhan secretly sent him to surprise him. When both were deleted, he felt as gruesome as never before.

He took a shower, brushed his teeth thoroughly and then sat down at the computer. He worked through the documents for hours, correcting them and sending them to his boss. He then went jogging, put a pack of ready-made pasta in the microwave and ate it while watching a show on TV. At 7 pm he called his father, talked down his usual text, promised to call the next day and finished the conversation.

When he got the impulse to go out on the balcony and watch the sun setting, he simply closed the curtains. He sat back on his sofa and started watching a series on Netflix. He tried everything to distract himself from his thoughts. He ignored his aching heart so as not to simply call Zhan, hear his voice and ask him to come to him.

When he felt tired enough, he went to his bed, closed his eyes and still couldn't fall asleep. Because now, without the TV, music or anything else to distract him, the longing for Zhan came back to him with full force. Crying, he turned on his side, held a pillow in his arms and cried until he fell asleep.

Without the serum, Yibo had his nightmares again. He woke up screaming, sweaty and trembling all over his body, he sat on his bed and waited until his heart had calmed down a bit. Then he got up, went to the bathroom, washed and tried to get tired again with the help of the TV. But it did not work. More and more, Yibo was forced to go outside. But, he could not possibly walk through the forest to the park. Where should he go?

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