-8- Together

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-8- Together

When Yibo's alarm clock rang, the first thing that came to his mind was the question of how he could fall asleep so quickly after Zhan's visit? He would have rather suspected that he had been lying awake for quite some time and missed Zhan. But instead, he fell asleep immediately, had no nightmares and felt recovered.

He took a shower, got dressed and then went to the parking garage where his car was parked. He doesn't need it very often because he is rarely far from home. But today he has to go downtown to the office, to his family doctor and to the psychologist.

The first thing he did was to go to his boss' office. And as always, he ignored the questioning and confused looks of his colleagues. Fortunately, he didn't have to see them often and none of them spoke to him. His boss, a man in his mid-fifties whose hair was getting thinner and grayer, smiled when he saw Yibo and greeted him cheerfully.

Even when Yibo first met him, his boss was always very friendly towards him. He already knew Yibo's story and always pretended to know nothing. As always, he asked about Yibo's whereabouts, whether he still enjoyed his work and curiously asked him if anything had happened in his love life.

Yibo got red cheeks when he asked, but nodded and said: "Mhm, I have met someone."

"I am very happy for you Yibo. You also look much better than last time. Not so pale around the nose anymore, tired and shy. Love seems to be good for you."

"Yes, it does." Yibo replied. He knew that it was probably more because of the serum he was drinking, but also because of his love for Zhan. Most of all, knowing that Zhan loves him is the best thing for him.

After some small talk Yibo got his paycheck, said goodbye to his boss again and went on to his family doctor. The doctor did his examinations as a matter of routine and then said: "So since your last visit here, your health has really improved. I don't know what you've done, but I suggest you keep doing it."

"I will doctor." Yibo replied. Apparently what Zhan said was true. The serum makes him healthier.

Since his psychologist has his practice in the same building, he only had to take the elevator three floors up to get to him. Yibo spoke to the psychologist for 40 minutes and answered his questions. At the end of the session, the psychologist said: "I think your father overreacted. You are obviously doing much better and you seem to finally come out of yourself and open up more. I don't think you need regular sessions with me again. Unless you want to."

"Not really. I feel much stronger and more confident inside. I've met someone and I'm happy." Explained Yibo.

"Then I would say, enjoy your happiness and when your father gets in touch with me again, I will tell him to give you more space and be happy that you finally want to leave your past behind."

Before Yibo set off again on his way home, he made a stopover. He drove to a bistro, ordered the special of the day and ate in peace. At the moment he was much hungrier than usual. Especially for real meals, not just those ready meals.

He thought again about the dream of the previous night and his cave from back then. Unfortunately it was already blocked up years ago and it is no longer possible to enter it. And when they filled it up, it kept Yibo's treasures for itself. At that time he couldn't go back and get it because his father took him with him and they lived in a different town.

Although he had asked his father several times if he could take him there, since many of his treasures might not be worth anything, but as far as his memories were concerned, they were the most valuable treasures he possessed. But his father was always against it and never did him this favor. And when he went there years later with Hai Kuan, it was already too late.

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