-28- New murders

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A/N: I first have to find my way back into the story haha. There aren't many chapters left, meaning the book will have about 30 chapters total and then it will be complete. Unless I come up with something else. Which I don't think I will at the moment, since I'm already having a hard time coming up with anything for this chapter.


The darkness settled around them like a heavy veil as Zhan turned off the engine of his car. Yibo's senses were immediately active, he was completely focused and prepared for anything. He had to be, because they had been hunting again for some time. Hunting other vampires, created by Meng Yao and Emily Qin and the only thing these new vampires want, is to eat.

It had been quiet for over two years and no one had heard from Meng Yao and Emily Qin until recently when some bloodless corpses were found. Immediately, everyone from the Xiao clan went in search of the killers and picked up the scents of strange vampires.

Since then, Yibo and Zhan spend every night searching for these vampires. And it doesn't seem to matter how many they kill, new ones keep showing up. And they all report, before they die, that a mismatched couple turned them.

And more than once the names Meng Yao and Emily Qin were mentioned. And just at a time when everyone was finally starting to relax and stop waiting for Meng Yao to show up with a new group of fresh vampires and mess up their lives once again.

Even Yibo's brother and Cheng, meanwhile, were able to mate after Hai Kuan left his wife because he couldn't stand not being with Cheng anymore. And in the meantime, Hai Kuan is one of them. He is no longer a human. After mating, Cheng and Hai Kuan asked the elders for permission to turn Hai Kuan into a vampire and after much deliberation, they finally agreed and Cheng was allowed to inject Hai Kuan with his vampire venom and turn him into one of them.

It took a long time for Hai Kuan to overcome his thirst for blood and get used to the blood mixture. But now that he's along on the hunt and smelling the blood every day, he could quickly fall back into the habit. Because Hai Kuan knows how much better human blood tastes. Because after his transformation, he received human blood for a month to cope better with the transformation and the physical change.

Also that night, when Yibo and Zhan are out hunting, Cheng and Hai Kuan are with them. And that's what makes Yibo even more tense, even more alert. Zhan himself has trained him, taught him everything, emptied him of how to use his senses properly. How to control his inner vampire.

Yibo and Zhan move in the shadows of darkness, tonight the darkness seemed like an impenetrable veil that settled on them and would not let them go. There was something wrong here, Yibo could sense it very clearly.

As his neck hairs stood up, Yibo, using telepathy, warned Zhan. Something the two practiced until Yibo could control it. Now, especially when hunting, the two only talk to each other this way.

They ran into a cornfield and followed the smell of blood and death. Someone died here and it was not long ago. Yibo signaled Cheng to stay behind with Hai Kuan. They couldn't afford to have Hai Kuan go crazy over the smell of blood now. There was someone else here, they are not alone.

Yibo used one of his new skills. He put his hand on the ground and as if he could hear through it, he listened and felt. Then he stood up and pointed to the left.

Zhan always walked half a meter ahead of Yibo, not only because he was older and more experienced or didn't trust Yibo's abilities enough, but because Zhan was faster than the other vampires. Faster than Yibo or any vampire Yibo knew.

Something rustled near them, Zhan looked around and shook his head. "Just a rabbit." He spoke in his mind.

"Yeah, saw him." Replied Yibo in the same way. Yibo smirked because he just loved being able to see in the dark and yet Zhan told him what he saw every time.

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