-18- Memories

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-18- Memories

Yibo can't remember much of the past week. Zhan's father gave him something so he can sleep and not suffer so much from the fever. But although he slept most of the time, he knew that Zhan was actually always with him. And whenever he woke up, Zhan was sitting next to him and fed him the blood mixture.

In the waking moments, Yibo was very ill. He trembled all over his body, had pain like he was burning inside, his head hurt and he had an insane hunger like he had never felt before.

But it happened even more. Because while he slept, all his memories came back little by little. The hypnosis had no effect on him anymore and suddenly they came back, all his memories of himself and Zhan when he was a little boy. And probably the strangest thing about vampire children is that they can even remember parts of themselves when they were babies. Not much, but some important things.

So he suddenly remembered seeing Zhan. It was like watching a commercial on TV. Suddenly he saw himself as a 6 month old baby who discovered his mate after feeling him all the time and never seeing him. And in a similar way, he also saw how he made Zhan his mate. There were no thoughts that he had as an 8 month old baby. He just wanted to mark his mate. So it was instinct.

He also saw how he fell asleep on Zhan's chest every night, or rather, every morning. He clung to Zhan with his little hands and fell asleep while listening to Zhan's quiet heartbeat.

He also remembered the day his parents took him away. Yibo had cried and cried because he didn't want to go with them. He did not want to leave his mate and, he was afraid he would not see his mate again.

His mother dragged him with her and kept him in the car so that he could not get out of the car and run away again. He cried out for Zhan and he stood there with tears in his eyes and could do nothing because he was held down when he tried to come and help him. Seven vampires stood in the way of Zhan and stopped him.

Then he could also remember watching his mother kill all the clan members. He was there when she tore his father's heart from his chest and threw it into a crackling fire, to the hearts of the clan members. The stench of the burning hearts was horrible.

Yibo was so shocked by all this that he froze and whimpered softly. When his mother then grabbed him and put him in the car, he begged her to take him back to his ZhanZhanYi and she said to him, "I will not. I want you to have a normal life and not have to grow up among vampires. I do not believe in these mate stories. And certainly not that my child has a mate who is a man. I won't let them take you away from me and you end up with a man."

Screaming, Yibo told her that he wanted to go to Zhan, that he loves Zhan and that Zhan belongs to him. And she just laughed bitterly and said, " If so, then I guess you belong to him. You are much too small to know what love is. And you still don't understand what will happen later between you two."

When he said, crying, "Yibo wants to go to ZhanZhanYi." She slapped him in the face with her hand and shook him.

"Cut the crap. Xiao Zhan is not the one for you! You won't end up with him! You won't let any man near you. You will find a woman you love. And once you transform, you will transform her. She will then be your partner."

Yibo sobbed and wept. But it didn't help. He was only four years old, very human and weak. No matter how hard he tried to get away from his mother, he could not.

Then he saw them move into the house he thought they had always lived in. He saw a man coming who talked to his mother for a long time and heard her say over and over again, "We shouldn't do this, he will remember later anyway. Hypnosis does not work for vampires. And he has already found his mate. He will never be happy without him. It will always be as if he suffers from depression. He can't let other people near him because unconsciously he misses his mate and only wants him."

"You promised to help me. All I want is for him to have a normal childhood. Growing up normal and having fun." Said his mother.

"You don't understand. He will never have a normal life, no matter how far you take him away from his mate. No matter whether he forgets his mate through hypnosis. Vampires feel their mates or the absence of them. They cannot be happy and have to suffer without each other. And your son will suffer greatly. Because the bond between him and his mate is very strong. I have never seen such a strong bond. It is as if they were predestined for each other. Or perhaps their souls were together in a past life."

"Just do as I say, and I'll take care of the rest myself. Even if I have to kill this Zhan. He will not have my son."

"Don't touch Xiao Zhan or anyone in his clan, I advise you. Not only will the clans hunt you then. Your own son will also kill you in agony if he remembers."

"He is my son, he will never do that"

"Oh, yes, he will. One day, when he transforms and the hypnosis doesn't work anymore, he will remember and since it is about his mate, he will kill you in the most painful possible way. And this killing can last for days or weeks." Explained the man.

"I don't believe this mate crap. And I'll prove it's not true." Said his mother.

"It is true. You were a human being. You think you have to protect and raise your son like a human. But your son is not really human. He's only like a human for a little while, but he's not. You finally have to understand and accept this. And because he is not human, you cannot raise him like that. He found his mate and needs him. No other, only him. His mate will always protect him, be there for him, do everything for him, so that he is well. What he can give to Yibo, you will never be able to."

"Just do as I say. I don't want to hear any more of this. My son has the right to grow up normally. I want him to go to school, make friends, have fun."

"He won't make friends. People can sense that he is different, especially children. They will be more like hostile towards him because they sense the danger that comes from him. And for this reason alone he will not be able to lead a normal life. And he too will feel that they are different. And he will be afraid, feel alone, unloved and always feel that he misses something. What you wish for him and what you want is normal for a human being. But, it will only torture your son."

"If you don't do it now, I'll find someone else. I'm telling you for the last time, go ahead and do what I asked you to do." Said his mother.

The man sighed, came up to Yibo and whispered some words while he let Yibo look at a pendulum. And as his eyes closed, he wept. When he opened them again, he lay in his bed and could not remember Zhan. He went downstairs to the kitchen where his mother was already waiting with breakfast and with her was a man whom he always thought was his father.

And only now that his memories are back did he notice that during the day the curtains in the house were always closed. That his mother only left the house with him when she covered her body and the sun was shining only weakly.

With all these memories he only thought that if his mother were still alive now, he would actually kill her in a torturous way. Because it was her fault that he was always alone, always sad, and always felt a longing that he could not explain what he was longing for.

Yibo never had friends, he never had the fun his mother wished him. He was always alone. And only when he heard the voice in his dreams did he feel good. That's why he loved to dream as a child. Because only then, he was not alone. Even when he could only hear the voice.

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