Chapter 60

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It is a warm Thursday, and Jake and Nick are strolling through the warm sand of the beach.

Jake found Nick's letter on Wednesday morning. Nick had apologized and asked Jake to give him another chance. And to make it up to him, he had asked if they could go to the beach together. Jake was okay with it, but because it had been raining all day long yesterday, it had to be postponed to today. 

Of course Jake has forgiven Nick. He had never blamed in the first place. Jake should have pushed away Lisa right away instead of freezing like that, so Nick wouldn't have to walk in and misunderstand. And he has done so much things to Nick that were way worse, it's only fair that Nick told him to mind his own business. He has the right to not care about Jake. To be blunt sometimes. Those years they've shared together he has had so much patience with Jake, he has all the right to be upset sometimes.

They have spent the night in the same bed again, but Jake slept with his back facing Nick. He still feels a bit gloomy and doesn't want to affect Nick with it, so he keeps a bit of a distance.

Yesterday, he has helped Nick with the chores and cooked for all of the boys -Ian and Mike are now sold as well-, chatted with Lara and Joshua and practised his cooking skills a bit more by making a few snacks. He has now discovered a talent, and he wants to do something with it. His mood also becomes a bit brighter when he is doing stuff for others, or when they taste the dishes he has made.

He has discovered that he is able to smile without Nick being the direct reason now. Well, indirectly Nick is the one who caused him to discover his talent, but cooking is now not directly linked to Nick anymore.

He has spent more time with Ian as well. The guy is very funny and evokes Jake's laughter a lot, but aside from that he can also be serious. He has been able to discuss his situation and feelings with him as well. True, Ian is not a good relationship advisor, but at least Jake is able to laugh about his worries instead of being anxious and feeling bad. That doesn't mean he doesn't miss Nick.

'Hey, why do you look so glum?' Nick breaks through his thoughts. Wrapping his arm around Jake's shoulder, he pulls him closer. 'How about we be totally honest today? What is bothering you?'

Jake shrugs, making Nick's arm fall off his shoulder again. 'I don't know.'

Nick doesn't ask further. They find a relatively quiet place - as far as that is possible on the beach of Miami on a hot summer day like this, even though they have driven south so much that they are not in Miami anymore- and drop their bags, spread their towels and take off their shirts.

'Come here.' Nick holds a bottle of sunscreen in his hand and Jake sits in between his legs so Nick can apply it on his back. He can't help enjoying the soft touch of Nick's hands travelling over his back, shoulders and arms. When Nick is done, Jake takes the sunscreen to cover the rest of his already tanned skin, after which he rubs some on Nick's back as well. Then, he lies down on his towel and closes his eyes.

'You're not going to swim?' Nick asks, applying the sunscreen on his chest, legs and face as well.

'Soon.' Jake says. 'I just want to lay down for now.'

'Okay.' Nick puts away the sunscreen, and lies down next to Jake.

It's silent for some time. After a while, Jake opens his eyes and looks at Nick. Nick is looking at him.

'You don't want to swim?' he asks.

'It's no fun on my own.'


Again, there is silence between them. But Jake and Nick are looking at each other, feeling a mental connection.

Then, Nick gets up. 

Confused, Jake sits up as well. 'What are you doing?'

Nick lifts him and Jake is completely dumbfounded for several seconds, but then Nick runs to the sea, with Jake in his arms.

'If you dare!' Jake threatens hysterically when he realizes what Nick is plotting. 'I'm gonna kill you!'

'Try me.' Nick laughs at him, runs into the water and lets go of Jake. But Jake grabs him by the shoulders, pulling him with him into the water.

Nick, completely unprepared, loses his balance and falls on top of Jake, and his lips land right on top of Jake's.

How did we manage to get here again? Jake thinks to himself as they do down under.

It doesn't take long for Nick to pull away and they reach the surface again.

'Yikes.' says Nick, wiping his mouth.

That confuses Jake. This isn't the first time they've kissed, right? Why is Nick so grossed out all of a sudden? It makes him feel sad. Does Nick really dislike kissing me that much?

His disappointment must be rather obvious, since Nick stops wiping the moment he sees Jake's face. 'I meant the salty water, Jake.'

'How am I supposed to believe that?' Jake mutters petulantly.

Nick grins, pulls Jake towards him and kisses him, now for real, longer than the previous times, but still not that long.

'Happy now?' he asks when he pulls back.

'Just one more,' Jake says, 'then I am happy.'

So Nick leans in again, he tilts his head and waits right in front of Jake's lips, so Jake buries his hands in Nick's dripping wet hair and closes the distance. 

Jake's desire starts burning right away, in all intensity, when Nick moves his lips and he is about to deepen the kiss, but then Nick pulls back. 'Now you can be happy.' he says with a radiant smile, completely oblivious of the frustration that is now stuck in Jake's body again.


Jake is now far from happy. 


Word count: 986


Lol karma

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