Chapter 45

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'You're sitting up!' is the first thing Nick notices when he enters Joshua's room. Joshua is on his phone, but when Nick enters, he looks up with a wide smile. 'Definitely! Soon, I'll completely be the old me again, and then I can beat the crap out of Jake.'

'Be a bit gentle, please. I wouldn't like to go to the hospital again.' Nick laughs. He pulls over a  chair and sits down. 'How's it going?'

'I am bored to death because I can't do much, but still better than nothing. And better than going to church. My poor boyfriend.'

Nick chuckles, but his mind is wandering to Jake again.

'And how are you?' Joshua asks. 

'Ah, everything is going... well, I guess?'

'You guess?'

Nick smiles tiredly. 'Some difficulties with Jake.'

'Ah.' Joshua nods. 'He's still sober?'

Nick nods enthusiastically. 'Yes, you won't believe this!'

He tells about last Friday night at the bar. 'And I had literally NO idea what was going on. He drank half a beer, disappeared with some girl and came back in no time, and for the rest of the night he drank Ice Tea and just sat there, observing me until he fell asleep. It was almost scary, like a whole different Jake, but can I just tell you that I like this version of him a lot?'

'Hmm... even though he may have changed a lot, he is still the same guy who assaulted my boyfriend, so it's hard for me to forgive him. Especially when I see how Jay suffers.'

'I understand.' Nick says. 'And Jake understands too.'

'How is he right now?'

'Honestly speaking, I have no idea.' Nick combs his hair with his hand. 'He has been avoiding me since yesterday morning, I am not able to get through to him at all. He immediately walks away whenever I come within, like, a two meter radius of him and avoids all conversation.'

'Did something happen?' Joshua asks.

'No! Or, maybe Friday night. But I don't know whether he remembers. He was half-asleep. It was his fault though.'

'What happened then?'

Nick sighs deeply. 'It's... complicated.'

Joshua suddenly looks him in the eyes. 'Nick... I hope you don't mind me asking you this, but... do you perhaps have feelings for Jake?'

How does Joshua know? 'Is it that obvious?' Nick rubs the back of his neck shyly.

'Well, a little bit, but Jay especially notices that kind of stuff. Like, when you stare at him constantly and can't stop talking about him, you're pretty obvious. Speaking of that, I'm okay if you talk about him to me, but not too much to Jay, he's still hurt.'

Nick blushes. 'You're right, I'm so sorry. But if you guys already noticed... I just hope Jake hasn't noticed. I thought I was pretty good at keeping it in.'

'Maybe he did notice.' Joshua remarks. 'And doesn't know how to deal with it.'

'Hmm, I don't know.' Nick says. 'Jake is a hella dense guy, as you know. I wonder if he would even notice when I kiss him.'

Then, he realizes something. 'Oh crap.'

Joshua raises his brows. 

'I... maybe he found it...' Nick stammers to himself. 'No wait, when would he have found it, he hasn't been in my room, right? Or Saturday morning...'

'What is it that he may have found? Your diary?'

'No, well, a little bit like that. I'm not sure though. Would he have sneaked out of the room on Saturday morning to search my room for something he doesn't even know exists?'

Joshua chuckles.

'Don't laugh, this is crisis.' Nick mutters.

'Sorry.' Joshua says. 'I don't know whether he has found that, but this avoiding thing may have something to do with your feelings. If I could give you a bit of advice, be honest with him. He could be confused. You have to be clear about how you feel.'

'Gosh, that's f*cking scary. But maybe you're right. It might be the right time for that.'

'Since when have you had these feelings?'

'I think pretty much since the moment we met, three years ago. Back then, it wasn't long until I realized I had fallen in love.'

'Dayum. That's sad. Having to see him hook up with all these girls at the bar for three years straight.'

Nick shrugs. 'I kinda got used to it, you know.' That doesn't mean I didn't hate it.

Joshua pats his shoulder. 'I really hope it will work out for you, dude. Not for Jake, but I'm sure that if he ever decides to be in a relationship, you will be the best person for him. I don't think there is anyone on this planet who cares more about that jerk's well-being than you do. And neither is there someone who can tell him off like you can.'

Nick chuckles. 'You should've heard him whine. Even I wanted to smack the crap outta him sometimes.'

Joshua grins. 'Why not do it?'

'Yeah, maybe I should.' Nick says. 'If he keeps avoiding me like this, definitely.'

'So, what is your plan?'

'I guess I'm gonna slap the sense into him- no, just kidding. I think I'm gonna be clear with him, yes.' Nick considers. 'Thanks Josh. You're truly an awesome friend.'


Word count: 839


Ughh I hate school. I just cried from stress even though I'm not an easy crier and it's literally just the second day. Whoever told me exam year is the easiest, I'm coming to beat the crap out of you personally. Thank you.

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