Chapter 66

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While Jake tries to let these words sink in, everything suddenly falls in place. Jay was right. Nick didn't kiss him to satisfy him or gave him that "brojob" just because of the depth of their friendship. It was physical attraction indeed, adding up to all the ingredients for a healthy relationship.

But wait... Sarah? For how long has Nick been in love with Jake, because if he's gay, does that mean he never felt anything for her? Does Sarah even know? And why that whole relationship, to begin with?

Nick, who notices his confusion, says: 'We'll talk about Sarah another time. But first let's talk... about us.'


Jake's heart skips a beat.

'Jake, I-'

Jake doesn't let him finish, he leans in and is about to kiss the man he loves so much, but a finger stops him. 'Jake, this is a formal restaurant,' Nick whispers.

Jake winks and kisses Nick's finger before sitting back, feeling lighter than air. Now he is sure, that the feelings are not onesided, Nick...

Everything makes sense now and Jake is happier than ever. He enjoys the feeling of excitement, untamable happiness, the feeling of... being loved by the person he loves.

'I guess I don't need to say it anymore.' Nick smiles with his entire face, he can't contain it, just like Jake.

'Sorry for interrupting.' Jake grins widely. 'Please continue.

'No, now it's no fun anymore.'

'Oh please, why do you have to be so cruel?' Jake whines. 'I want to hear it. Just once, please?'

'Okay then.' Nick stops smiling and looks at Jake seriously. 'Jacob Miguel Fernandez, I am crazily in love with you.'

Even though Jake has imagined him saying these words to him in his head many times, he still feels his cheeks heating up so much that he quickly grabs a glass of water to cool down a bit. When he looks up, Nick is still looking at him with that intense gaze, causing Jake to choke on the water, coughing.

'Aww, you poor thing,' Nick teases him while Jake tries to survive the coughing attack.

'Yeah, it's your fault,' he protests when he has stopped coughing. 'You really had to say,' -he coughs again- 'it like that.'

Nick grins.

Jake clears his throat and sits straight again. 'However. I guess you do want to know what I have to say?'

Nick nods and his grin fades into a soft smile. 'Tell me.'


'Gentlemen, your food.' The waiter interrupts him, holding two plates, which he places in front of them. Jake thanks him awkwardly, trying hard not to show his annoyance at his untimely arrival.

And at the same time, doubt kicks in. What if this is yet another stupid impulse of his? What if his love is not as real as he thinks, what if it will pass? What if this is again based on desire only, like with...

No. This is different. This feeling is like nothing he has ever felt before. Everything that has happened in the last few weeks was so unlike how his life used to be, it couldn't have happened if Jake hadn't truly changed. And if Jake has the power to change, he must have the power to love Nick in the way he deserves to be loved as well. Jake has nothing to lose.

'Nick, you are the first person I have ever loved for real.' He says these words without a hint of a smile on his face, he is serious, this is how he feels. 'And I want you to be the last. So, Nicholas Roberts, will you be my boyfriend?'

Nick thinks for a while, and Jake awaits his answer with great anticipation. 

Slowly, an evil smile forms on Nick's face. 'Hmm... how should I put this?'

Jake's anticipation turns into anxiety.

'You see, I have been waiting for over three years...' Nick starts.

'Holy sh*t, three years?' Jake blushes madly. That means he has been in love with me since the moment we met, or somewhere around that time. 

How did I not notice?

'You're dense,' Nick remarks. 'Anyway, can you even imagine the torture I felt during these years? You really caused me to suffer a lot, you know?'

'Gosh, I-I'm so sorry!' Jake apologizes. 'I really had no idea.'

'I know how you can make it up to me, though,' Nick says.

'Yes?' Jake says anxiously. 'I'll do anything.'

'Hm...' Nick scratches his chin. 'Okay, so three years, let's be gentle... three weeks? Yes, three weeks. You have to wait for three weeks before I will accept you as my boyfriend. So we are also not going to do boyfriend things.'

'But- but-' Jake is at loss for words. Three weeks? He has to wait for three weeks? Honestly, he hasn't abstained from sex for more than two weeks since he turned sixteen. And it's already been over two weeks now, he's hella frustrated, and now three more weeks?

'You said you'd do anything.'

'But why do you have to be so cruel?' Jake protests.

'Three years versus three weeks. Who is the cruel one here?'

Change of tactic. 'Are you sure you will be able to wait for three more weeks though?' Jake asks, leaning in and smirking.

Nick serves the smirk right back at him. 'Let's see who will fall first. I have all the time in the world.'

Sh*t, it doesn't work. 'Okay then, I will wait for you,' Jake says. 'But can you please, please take a few days off there. I promise I will try really hard, but I'm not as good at waiting as you are.'

Nick looks back at him sternly.

Jake gives him a sad puppy look.

Nick sighs.

'Please?' Jake begs one more time.

'One week. I am very generous, so I will take two weeks off your punishment. But stick to to the rules. No kisses-'

'No kisses either?'

'Did you ever kiss me in those three years when I was waiting for you except for this week?'

'Gosh, you're right. I really messed up.' Jake sighs. 'Alright then. One week. And keep next week Friday free because we are going on a date then.'

'We'll see, we'll see,' grins Nick.

Jake still feels really happy. Nick likes him and Nick does want to be his boyfriend. He just has to wait for one week. That must be no problem, right?


Word count: 1021


Please, I am single. Why am I single? I need to find me a babyboy bruh.

Anyway, the song at the beginning of the chapter👀

Escape || an LGBT+ story (DISCONTINUED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن