Chapter 35

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{Wow... Chapter 35 already. Time flies by when your having fun right? :3 }

"ADAM!" I yell as I walk up the stairs in his house.

"Yeah?" He yells back from his room.

"Can you come down here please? I'm in the dining room," I request as I head to my room. I drop my book bag on my bed. I walk out of my room and sit at the round table in the dining room.

Seconds later Adam walks down the stairs. Once his gaze meets mine he fixes his posture.

"So, why are we here?" He says while sitting down across from me.

"I have something I want to talk to you about," I state. I rest my arms on the table and lean forward a little bit.

"I have somethings to say as well but lady's first." He flashes a smile at me and I return a soft one.

"So Adam, do you remember the talk we had after Tommy left that night?" His expression changes to a nervous one as he nods.
"Well, when I was talking about taking risks... What did you gather from that?"

"Well, I realized that I take a lot of risks. I also learned that taking risks always isn't a bad thing."

"Well why have you stopped?"

His eyebrows push together as he gives me a confused response.
"Wh-what do your mean by that?"

"Well I mean that ever since that night you have been acting very strange. Your more cautious around me but with no one else."

He doesn't respond. He looks down at the table and puts his hands in his hair.

"Please, just tell me a reason and then I'll be done. All I want is an answer to why your doing this," I beg. I can tell he is hurting and is stressed about something. All he has to do is speak to me and I can try to help. Why does he do this with me?

"I'm worried and scared okay." His hands move from his hair to his face.


His expression changes to anger as he stands up from the table.
"STOP ASKING WHY DAMMIT! You know that word haunts me so stop using it!" He yells at me, slamming his fists against the wood table. His sudden change causes me to flinch.

"I wouldn't have to ask it if you would just tell me," I say barely audibly. I have never felt like this before. I have never been a coward in this type of situation but I just can't help it. I wanted to just curl up in a ball and cry but I have never had that feeling. It's different and it's dangerous.

"I-I'm sorry. There's just so much happening with me lately," He says quietly. He turns his back towards me and there is silence. It's not a peaceful silence but it's a painful silence. The tension that fills the room is unbearable.

I stand up from the table and leave the area. I walk out of the house and into the backyard. I closed the door behind me, not letting bugs inside.

The sky was blue and dusted with faint clouds. I sat down in the grass and let the tears drip down my face. Light, emotion filled drops of water.

Nothing has done this to me. Even my fathers abuse didn't make me want to cry. Even my mother leaving me behind didn't make me sob. But this, it did.

The one man that I felt that I could trust, I suddenly don't trust anymore. He is hiding things from me and I can see right through it. It can be something small or something big.
If only he knew how much he means to me, then maybe he'll let it all out. The problem is... He doesn't know.

I let out a sigh and lay back on the grass. I close my eyes for a second to try to clear my mind. Then I remember that I'm a red head so I get up move to shaded area. I really don't want to be sunburned on top of everything.

I find a lawn chair that is in some shade and lay down in it. The tears have stopped and I realized that I was crying over nothing. He just snapped, that's all. I know he's under a lot of stress lately, especially with taking me in randomly. Also, I know that one day I'll snap at him but I won't mean it. Sometimes we just break and the wrong people are there to witness it.

I forgive him.


"Skyler, babe wake up."

I open my eyes to find a handsome man staring down at me.

"You fell asleep out here. Come inside, I made dinner." Adam helps me out of the chair and we walk inside.

Once I walk in and I'm engulfed in a delightful smell. It's a scent mixed with food and the candle he bought a while back. The smell of the melting wax brings back memories of that day. The day I helped Adam.

I walk into the dining room and I'm greeted with a surprise. The lighting in the room had changed to a dimmer glow. The candle had been set in the back of the room, being used as a little decoration. The round table had been set for two. The white plates were covered with my favorite food, tacos.

I glance over at Adam who gives me a smile.

"So Adam, what's all of this?" I ask while sitting down in front of a plate.

"It's dinner, duh." He says in a joking manner. "I just wanted to apologize but I didn't feel that saying sorry was enough."

"Well I love it. It's not much but it's just enough."

"So what I have planned for this evening is that you stay quiet and I do all of the talking."

"Oh geez, I'm already regretting this," I tease. I give him a smirk but it ends in a laugh.

"Well miss smarty pants, I'm really sorry about yelling at you. I have been under a lot of stress lately and I just kinda snapped. I'm sorry," he says ,putting his heart into his words.

"I forgive you. I thought about it while I was outside and realized that it was nothing. We are both going to snap at some point and I'm fine with that. It's human nature to blow up sometimes so I forgive you." I smile and he smiles back with relief. I think he thought it would've been a lot harder than that.

"Perfect. So I guess I'll start off with what I was going to tell you earlier."

{ From good to bad to better :)
Story ideas/suggestions are always appreciated. I love you Pies! }

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