Chapter 46

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okay enjoy the chapter :D}

I walked down the street looking at all of the cars driving by. I was in a tough situation. I can't be with Adam right now and my father is hunting me down. I was lost.

I literally had no where to go anymore.

I kept walking until I ended up at the park that I met my sister at. There was a food cart and I was pretty parched. I looked at the menu as I joined the line. The only drink they had was bottled water and I was happy with that.

When it was my turn I gave the worker my order and money.

"Hello sir. So how has your day been?" I ask the man, making small talk. He wasn't that bad looking. He kind of reminded me of Adam by the way he moved. I also recognized him but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"It's been alright. I've had a few rude customers but that's pretty normal here. If you don't mind me asking how was your da- Wait," he pauses when he's about to hand me my water. "Are you that girl from that video?"

"Uh what video?" I really don't need this right now. I just stood there awkwardly, trying to act stupid.

"That video of Adam Lambert and a girl singing together. It was trending on Twitter!" The crowd around the food court starts staring at us impatiently. A couple of people who were listening start examining me.

"I'm sorry sir, I don't have a Twitter. I hope you have a nice day!" I grab the water out if his hand and speed walk down the road again. I seriously can't go anywhere without being recognized anymore.

I kept walking until I found a familiar road. I followed it until I found this little patch of trees. I pushed my through the brush and ended up in a clearing.

The sight hypnotized me like it did the first time I came here. I sat down in the grass near the cliffs edge. I breathed in the clean yet salty air. My nirvana.

I layed back in the grass and watched the clouds and birds soar above me. My nerves and stress started to fade until someone caught my attention.

"So you are the girl." I sit up quickly and face the man from the food cart.

"What the fuck?! You followed me here?!" Oh my god am I going to die?

"Yeah I followed you! I got pretty curious when I saw you walk into my family hiding spot."

His what?

"It still hasn't clicked yet? Okay let's try this and if you still don't then I'm going to be very disappointed. I'm Adam's brother." He says while throwing his hand in the air.

"NEIL?! Wow I would've been really disappointed in myself if I didn't get it." I just shook my head because of my stupidity.

"Yes ma'am I am thee Neil Lambert."

"Wow... I can't believe you followed me all the way here though. Were you the only person controlling the food cart?"

"Nah my friend owns it and we take turns for shifts. He takes the mornings and I take the evenings."

"Makes sense." I stayed quiet because I didn't really have anything to say. I would've asked him how it was like having a brother who's a pop-star but I'm sure he gets that enough.

"So how did you meet Adam?" He asks me as he sits in the grass next to me.

"Oh it's an odd and long story." I tell him.

"Well I've got plenty of time. I could listen to a story and relax a little bit."

I tell him the whole story but keeping a few details that weren't necessary to explain. I explained to him how I walked past Adam singing Cuckoo and how I heard about Adam getting in the car accident. I told him how I just graduated as well. He seemed baffled by the fact that I just finished high school.

Cuckoo {Adam Lambert} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now