Chapter 12

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{Hey peoples!! I'm updating early because my brain won't stop and I need to sleep xD So here you go! Chapter 12 is coming up!!}

"I will get mint chocolate chip in a cup and she will get a..."

"I would like to get cookies n creme in a cup please."

The guy tells us he will get right to it. Adam and I find a seat and wait.

"So... That guy was kinda cute," Adam gives a smirk and looks over at me. I just give a laugh.

When we get our ice cream, I pay. He bought the sandwiches and Ill buy the ice cream. Its fair... Right?

We decide to just walk around. You know... I have lived here in LA since I was 4 but I have never really walked around. I guess I have never been able to or had a reason.

Right now... I am fully able and I definitely have a reason.

"Hey!" Two fingers snap in front of my face, "were you listening?"

"Uh-I- yup... I was listening." I mentally facepalm myself. That was smart...

"Well if you were listening... What was the second to last word I said?"

"It was 'you'."


"The last sentence you said was 'are you listening?' So the second to last word you said was 'you'."

"Touché... Smart ass," he mumbles the last words but I still hear it and it makes me giggle.

"So what was the main topic?"

"Oh yeah I was saying that it is 5:48 and that 'movie' that you went to is pretty long."

"I will just tell him that I went out for ice-cream afterwards. I cant completely lie the best day of my life."

He gives me a smile, blushing a little bit. I just made him blush! Score!!

We sit down on a bench with our half eaten ice-cream. I look over at him and he does the fake yawn thing and wraps his arm around me. This causes me to double over in laughter.

{A.N.-- Kradam moments :3}

"Dude, you are such a flirt!" I say in between laughs.

"And what makes me a flirt?"

"Um well your doing this and you said that guy at the ice cream place was hot. You do know you have a boyfriend right?!"

His expression turns serious and he takes his arm back.

"Oh geez... What if we get caught with the paps and the twist everything around. Sauli will take it the wrong way and our relationship is already fragile and- and..."

His eyes grow wide and he starts panicking. All he keeps saying is basically 'What if he knows...' and at the moment, I have no clue what to do.

I try talking to him and it seems to help a little.

"Adam... everything will be fine. Sauli wont take it the wrong way and if he does ill talk to him... okay?"

He nods in response as I take his hand and lead him to the which is close by... Thank potatoes. We get in, hoping that being in privacy would help him chill and it does.

"Are you okay now?"

"Yeah... I think i am. Thanks... For saving me." He says while still breathing a little heavy.

"Your welcome but, I should get going."

"Yeah that would be smart."

He pushes the keys in to the ignition and almost drives off.

"Um can I drive? Your hands are still shaky and I don't think that is safe." He looks down at his hand that I'm still holding.

"Yeah you can drive..." we trade seats and I pull out of the parking spot.

Dude!! Im driving Adam Lambert's car!! Oh crap, I'm driving Adam Lambert's car... I should really watch my driving.

We eventually pull up in front of a small, blue house.

I thank him for everything but before I can open the door he locks it. I give him a confused look.

"Not yet... Look... Um... We should hang out again. Im not sure how or when but we will eventually."

"Yeah, I would love that. I had a good time. Its nice to get away from things sometimes," say with a smile.

Adam holds out his arms over the console. I give him a laugh because of how dorky he is. He wraps me in a hug and I get out of the car.

I really want to know what cologne he wears because its the bomb-diggity! And yes... I just said bomb-diggity.

I look back and watch Adam get inside his car on the drivers side. We give each other a wave before I head to my house..

Here we go...

{ The suspense!!!!!!

Comment & vote because I like potatoes!

Cheesy fries!!}

Cuckoo {Adam Lambert} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now